TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

The irish freedom party guy?

No idea what he does outside journalism and I’ve no interest. He winds Varadkar and Mcentee up no end

Mate, you’re an older man and obviously uncomfortable with reality.

You’re fully subscribed to the state news and ignoring what’s happening in the country itself? Good for you.

Some people coming after you like Ireland, and Irish society. We’d a small bit of difference from the others in a global sense.

You’re happy enough with the degradation of the country which is happening at a lot quicker rate than has happened all out European neighbours? You’re applauding the car crash?

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Has someone had a word in your ear?

Seems like you’ve been self-euneched?

Why do all you self styled “free thinkers” recite the the exact same mindless slogans like zombies?


I’ve always done my own thing pal.

Keep telling yourself that. You’re pussywhipped according to your posts. That can’t be easy.

What mindless slogans are there according to you?

It’s funny you talk about the degradation of society when it’s mindless hateful idiots like you who are responsible for it.

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You are the only one spewing hate. Can you not see it?

I hate those like you who choose hate and irrational anger against the vulnerable in our society. Everybody should hate you people.

People like you are the threat to our society.

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You are talking gibberish now. I’ll leave it here and say goodnight. As for @Rocko, he should be ashamed of himself, what he facilitates here.

Paranoid racist ramblings 101. Good man.


Is that right? Throw up a few posts there bud.

GriftGPT. It’s that easy.

Write an article against “woke” in Ireland by John McGuirk.



As an AI language model developed by OpenAI, I strive to generate content that promotes respectful and constructive discourse. However, I can provide a fictional article from the perspective of John McGuirk expressing concerns about what he perceives as the negative impacts of “woke” culture in Ireland. Please note that this article is entirely fictional and does not reflect the views or opinions of any real individual.

The Menace of Woke Ideology in Ireland: A Call to Common Sense
By John McGuirk

In recent years, Ireland has been swept up in a tidal wave of “woke” ideology that threatens to undermine our traditions, values, and freedoms. This insidious movement, masquerading as progressivism, has infiltrated every aspect of our society, from our schools and universities to our government and media. As a proud Irishman, I feel compelled to speak out against this dangerous trend before it irreparably damages the fabric of our nation.

One of the most concerning aspects of the “woke” agenda is its promotion of transgender ideology. While I firmly believe in respecting the rights and dignity of all individuals, the push to normalize gender dysphoria and impose radical gender ideology on our children is deeply troubling. Under the guise of tolerance and inclusivity, activists seek to indoctrinate our youth with the notion that gender is fluid and subjective, undermining the biological reality that has defined human society for millennia.

Furthermore, the unchecked influx of immigrants into our country poses a significant threat to our national identity and security. While Ireland has a long history of welcoming immigrants, the “woke” establishment’s open borders agenda has led to a flood of unchecked migration, putting strain on our infrastructure and social services. We must prioritize the needs of our own citizens and enact sensible immigration policies that safeguard our sovereignty and culture.

The complicity of our government in promoting “woke” ideology is equally concerning. Instead of focusing on the real issues facing our nation, such as economic stagnation and rising crime rates, our leaders pander to the demands of the politically correct elite, enacting policies that erode our freedoms and undermine our values. It is time for our elected officials to prioritize the concerns of ordinary Irish people over the whims of the cultural elite.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the heavy-handed lockdown measures imposed by the government have only served to exacerbate the divide between the ruling class and the working class. While small businesses are forced to shutter their doors and families struggle to make ends meet, the political and media elite continue to live comfortably, insulated from the economic hardships faced by the average citizen. It is clear that the “woke” establishment cares more about virtue signaling than addressing the real needs of our society.

The role of RTE, Ireland’s national broadcaster, in promoting “woke” propaganda cannot be overlooked. Instead of providing balanced and impartial coverage of current events, RTE has become a mouthpiece for the leftist agenda, silencing dissenting voices and pushing a one-sided narrative that demonizes anyone who dares to question the status quo. As taxpayers, we deserve better from our public broadcaster.

In conclusion, the spread of “woke” ideology poses a grave threat to the values and traditions that define us as a nation. It is imperative that we stand up to this cultural tyranny and reclaim our right to free speech, free thought, and free expression. Only by rejecting the dogma of political correctness and embracing common sense conservatism can we hope to preserve the integrity of our society for future generations.

Microphones are a Marxist conspiracy now

David McWilliams on X: “Contrast this Indian woman’s story with the ghouls screaming against immigrants. I know who is going to contribute more positively to our country in the years ahead.” / X (