TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Was it Around the same time the gardai started to investigate the Dublin riots ?

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He was some cunt

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Was good for Hibs though

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Apparently somebody doxxed him to the FBI.

Ainey Stokes was a great account, Ian Miles Ching is a some lad who keeps popping up on my twttier, he has some great content

Mr Gomez telt the cunt.


Ah ffs, have a read of that again.

Jesus fucking Christ, you should be ashamed of yourself

I took that up wrong. Apologies to Shane. I always thought he was sound. Though reading the replies i was not the only one to do so.

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i also took that up wrong

good on him

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What did the moron say?

Don’t tell me he was jumping in trying too hard to call out racism, after he refused to do that before because it was from an admin :rofl:

Here comes maroontalkshite to stink the place out of it.


Would you see yourself in a similar Venn Diagram to those people who bought into the Bressie life-guru arc?

Hard to disagree with our erstwhile colleague

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That would really take the Cake.

Surely Currans tweet is travelling express to the TNH thread ?

I was in a taxi home some years back after a Dublin game and the Nigerian driver started talking to me about GAA. He was a fucking encyclopedia. He knew all about Joe McNally and Barney Rock and Jack O’Shea and other lads from the 80s. TDH. He took my fare though.


@Cheasty have you ever come across a “Barrister” named Una McGurk?

The name very vaguely rings a bell, I think she was involved with the headbangers during Covid.

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Not her; this one is a well spoken South Dublin type.

Someone sent me a video of her advocating a No/No vote and said I’d do some digging. Previous videos on topics like 5G marked her down as a crazy

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