TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Can you give me an example of a few statements that will now be able to be prosecuted that weren’t before? I’m actually genuinely looking for an answer here as I’ve asked this of people on both sides of the debate and haven’t got one single example from either

In fairness, I’m not going to go searching for examples of things that I think are examples of hate speech that would be prosecuted under the new legislation and repost them.

The press release on the department’s website gives you the general gist of it I think. It points out that the laws we currently have are inadequate.




Why will no one give an example! This is definitely not a dig at you as I’ve asked the exact same question of people who are vehemently against the new legislation and got the same evasive response. I genuinely don’t get it. If either side are interested enough in the topic to have a strong opinion one way or the other surely the starting point is an example even a hypothetical one.
At the moment you can say ‘x, y, z’ and there is no way to prosecute you.
Or on the other hand I’m worried that if you say ‘x, y, z’ you will end up in court.

I don’t use twitter anyway. But, I’m hardly going to go searching for examples of hate speech on there. Nor am I going to repost them to give them airtime. I think that’s a fairly straightforward reason.

On being worried about saying things and ending up in court, it seems unlikely for the vast majority of people. There’s specific provisions on free speech in the draft legislation. It’s difficult to see how it’s going to affect most people’s lives.

I mean make up a hypothetical one.
Id agree with you on the second point that’s why I’d like to hear opponents of it come up with an example.

Genuinely, why would I want to do that?

To show an example of why we need new legislation. ie things like this are being said online now, we need the new legislation to stop it happening.
Cant be any clearer than that.

This whole thing started with you referring to people being openly racist. So you seem to be aware of examples.


“We need better consultation with fascists”

the cops need to act like they do when they see LOI fans going to a game, none of this softly softly approach

Super Troopers Cops GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Laugh ?


He has an accent like an aul fella who does lawnmower repairs cc @Bandage




There’s no definition. It’ll be up to the courts to decide if the Gardai aren’t satisfied with your story.
Saying no to immigration or immigrants won’t be an offense - that’s a position people are entitled to. Being very vocal about this online won’t change either and that’s the root cause of the kind of racism you’re seeing… The overt nasty stuff will just reduce online but not in the wider sense I’d say. People will reduce / cover themselves online but will still scream racism without screaming racism.

No one will stop your screaming mate.

@MountLeinster & @iron_mike not happy