TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

There is some great glee in London about this situation, Dublin coming out and saying that the Rwanda plan has led to an increase in asylum seekers crossing south over the border is seen as a great victory for Sunak. I expect there will be all sorts of plans and incentives being put in place by the Tories to ensure it continues. The news reporting on the BBC has a fairly colonial tone to it as well, could be very difficult months ahead.


Monaghan and Louth the forefront of the great Far right battle field. Migrants be like Mexicans crossing into the US in the dead of night as they crawl over the border. Pitched battles between gardai and these Ireland lives matter head de balls. Simon Harris will be Moses parting the sea as he walks amongst both groups restoring peace. Everyone will then turn on the migrants and kuck the shit out of them.

An interesting few weeks ahead.

Imagine the government has the power to affect immigration. Riski has made a right mug of paddy while also brininging in policy that aligns to the tory base

We’re going to need a tent city in Fingal

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Agreed. There’s a huge patch of land there in malahide down near the estuary and including the grounds of malahide rugby club. A nice walk along the coast into malahide. Would be a lovely place to camp.


Who knew :person_shrugging:t2:

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Paddy will be asking the french to stop the boats.

Humans won’t exist in 5million years’ time so what does it really matter? Lave em all in ta fuck.



Give them an Irish passport, send them up the North and tell them to vote reunification :ireland:


A great plan… The great Irish plantation we’ll call it.

Sinn Fein in Government closing the border is 4D chess

Just grant them all an Irish visa and buy them a plane ticket to the UK airport of their choice and let Sunak deal with it then.

Stop the planes!


Lets welcome the immigrants :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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Pathetic that RTE is uncritically platforming this bullshit. The narrative RTE are spreading now seems to be that anybody who speaks softly can’t be a horrible racist cunt.

This is her father in law. Textbook example of somebody gone down a far right conspiracist rabbit hole.

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Great to see the truth getting out there and the national broadcaster actually doing the people of Ireland a service and giving them a voice :clap:



They give far too much time to lefty headbangers like Paul Murphy and assorted open border propagandists but it’s a tiny step in the right direction


The mentallers will be blaming the immigrants for the state of the hotel soon. They need to start taking the butter vouchers off them. Just to add that extra nudge towards a coronary.