TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

The figure is well north of 20%… Around 22/23% and growing.

It’s estimated nearly 400m people in the world live in a different country to where they were born and Paddy gets badly rattled by his lot :joy::joy:

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What’s that got to do with anything? People move around the world so paddy should let anyone in who feels like coming here and give them free stuff?

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Free stuff = tent

They’re good tents


The point is Paddy thinks he’s carrying a heavy load .

Your point is braindead

Your interjection is brain dead considering my post is in response to a lad saying 25% of people living here weren’t born here. I made the point it’s not an Irish phenomenon.

What do i give a fuck what the rest of the world is doing? I’m only concerned with my patch of the world you gimp.

Wrong log in

What are you shitting about now? I made reference to the 25% you simple fuck

It seems even the black community in Newtownmountkennedy are up in arms

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Mandy Gall mate?

Those people are racist… Do they not remember what it was like for the Irish in London?


We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock. The rock was landed on us

Rare enough the comments on twitter would be so comprehensively coming down on one side as they do there which is at least something.
Actually edit I read down a bit further :person_facepalming:

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This has now become political football between Ireland and UK.

We have magically introduced new legislation that we can fast track asylum applicants arriving in from the UK to send them back their. We’ll be throwing them over the border and the tans will be pushing them back into the republic.

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