TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

What is the “truth” @MountLeinster?

By Gail Conway

Midlands Correspondent

A man has appeared in court in Athlone charged in connection with an attack on an elderly woman at Sonas Nursing Home, Ballymahon Road, Athlone, Co Westmeath on Monday night.

Peter Keaney, 54, with an address at Hillside Close, Monksland, Athlone, Co Roscommon was charged with Section 3 assault causing harm.

In Athlone District Court this morning, Judge Bernadette Owens asked if there was an application for bail.

Sergeant Paul McNally told the court there was no application for bail and requested one week remand for custody.

Sgt McNally also told the court that there will be an objection to bail.

The court heard Mr Keaney is reserving his position on if he is taking up bail and Judge Owens advised 48 hours notice was needed ahead of any application.

Solicitor Mark Cooney was assigned to Mr Keaney during today’s proceedings and requested that he be referred for psychiatric assessment.

Judge Owens directed for a psychiatric assessment and report to be carried out.

Peter Keaney was remanded in custody to appear at Athlone District Court again on 8 May for DPP Directions.

Just another day in paradise

@MountLeinster caught out lying so has now deflected to his standard whipping up of hatred against immigrants.

Little Irelanders are no different from Little Englanders.


Donald Trump GIF

That’s outrageous. Close the borders

Partitionist Tommy Robinson-loving Little Irelanders @Kyle and @MountLeinster want to build a wall to cut off the North.

I See Oh Snap GIF by Adult Swim


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Mount Leinster got a land there


This is a very good thread. We have an astro-turf war on immigrants being whipped up by Americans and Brits.

Wrote about the outsized effect of US and UK social media users on debates concerning migration in Ireland

Pulled 30 days of Twitter data using social media monitoring tool Talkwalker, was interested in discussion of unrest in Newtownmountkennedy.


How international social media users are stoking Ireland’s migration debateSky News’ Data & Forensics Unit analysed recent posts concerning unrest and mentioning anti-migration hashtags, finding the majority originate outside of Ireland.

First I looked at the term Newtownmountkennedy. The distinctive name makes it easy to search.

Unsurprisingly, mentions spiked the day of the unrest on April 25, and peaked the following day.Image

More interesting is the geographical split.

American users were most represented in the data, accounting for 56.1% of all posts.

20.9% were from accounts based in Ireland, and 9.6% from UK users.Image

Of the five accounts that attracted most engagements on posts mentioning
Newtownmountkennedy, three were based outside of Ireland.

The fourth by engagement was Tommy
Robinson’s account.

To get a better view, I also looked at two hashtags frequently used in relation to anti-migration discourse in Ireland.

#.IrelandBelongsToThelrish also began to spike on April 25, usage increased until April 28.Image

Again, American accounts authored over half of all posts using this hashtag, 57%.

Irish users posted 24.7% of them, UK accounts 8.8%.Image

The four accounts that attracted the most engagement with this hashtag were Irish.

The fifth was Alex Jones.

The last term I looked at was the hashtag #IrelandlsFull.

Overall followed a very similar trend. Usage spiked on the day of the protest, peaking the day after.Image

Again, American users were responsible for most posts, 54.4%.

Irish accounts posted 28%, UK ones were responsible for 8.1%.

The top accounts by engagement were all Irish.Image

Together I think these figures help to illustrate the level of influence users outside of Ireland have on online conversations concerning migration in the country.

Importantly this doesn’t minimise the role of Irish figures, or the country’s internal politics

Follows a similar trend to data I looked at after the Dublin riots, though more skewed towards the US.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1730617028120031278|twgr^184fa03c838d7e183ec4a916440a70d858e30bd1|twcon^s1_&

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Off topic and apologies if I’m out of the loop here lads but was that Danny Boy not the same account of an alleged scammer that mugged off that weirdo Linda ScoobyDoo Hayden? I remember that username from some big Covid #IrishTwitter scandal.

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According to Linda Scooby Doo. However Linda Scooby Doo is about as credible a source as the headbangers @glenshane constantly links to.

Linda was certainly a strange one. One of the last few Irishtwitter scandals I remember (think @JurassicArse was the final one) before I stopped following it altogether.

First time I saw him he was basically running interference for the government during Covid on Twitter. Given the lengths and time he puts into his posts I imagine he is on the government payroll somewhere. Otherwise he has an awful lot of time on his hands to dedicate to a hobby.

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What was JurassicArse?

And as I pointed out yesterday, Danny boy doesn’t care too much about missing migrant kids in Wodder’s dept.

Strange that vanished eh?

He may well be on the Government payroll, I’d be surprised if he isn’t to be honest.

From what I saw his Covid analysis was excellent.

The Covid conspiracist brigade still can’t accept they chose to descend down a rabbit hole of the grossest stupidity. They’ll never accept it. They can’t accept they bought into the big lie, and now their entire way of seeing the world has disintegrated.

“Running interference” is a meaningless phrase. In this instance what it actually means is “I don’t like reality.”

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There’s genuine Irish racists being played like fiddles. (They might be happy with that as it’s a traditionally Irish instrument)

Yesterday you got offended by the reality that the Athlone nursing home attacker is a white Irish man with an Irish surname, so you claimed it wasn’t true, when it was true.

Then you ran away and posted more bile, like the good little racist cunt you are.