TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Ah here’s mr angry again with his made up bile.

Must have been a bad batch again.

Made up bile is a good summation of what you get your stupid, hateful opinions from.

I never said it wasn’t true mate , merely pointed out that he’s doesn’t care too much about missing kids in the Dept of integration.

Just as a very basic point, that it happened may mean he has done a bad job, how do you construe that he personally doesn’t care?

Has he posted about it? Or this??

He was a popular Twitter account that called Aisling Murphy’s boyfriend racist and got his workplace doxxed and bombarded with bad Google reviews. He deleted his account but I haven’t been following so don’t know if he made a return.

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I thought The Irish Times was “fake news”?

In your own words, how exactly does that story demonstrate that “Ireland is broken”?

It’s fucking gas when you think about the spectacular pivot made by the extremely online far right gobshites of Ireland.

These are the same people who for years poured scorn over homeless people, unemployed, people on disability, single mothers etc., they ridiculed them. Back them it was all furious rhetoric like “I’m sick to the back teeth of getting up in the morning to earn money to pay taxes which are wasted on these useless cunts” etc. etc.

They broad brush generalised them as “layabouts”, “dole scroungers”, “welfare spongers” and “sprog factories”. As far as the extremely online far right gobshites were concerned, these people were the problem with Ireland.

Now these same extremely online far right gobshites have performed a heroic 180 degree turn. They now pretend to be allies of the homeless, the unemployed, the disabled, single mothers etc.

And the even more spectacular irony is they’re pushing the racist narrative driven by the tiny minority of people who are actual layabouts, dole scroungers, good for nothings, the sort of cunts you see in these videos constantly shouting deranged insanity like Daleks on crack.

And the extremely online far right gobshites have descended into spending all their time consuming racist US and British online content, and regurgitating this bile onto Ireland.


There but for the grace of God, if you had been furious about being denied your right to pints back in 2020 you could also be a raving Nazi by now,
It was the most amazing thing :man_shrugging:

So long as the far right keep driving you screaming marys demeted I’m all for them.


A dead giveaway that somebody consumes a lot of US far right online content and finds it persuasive is that they pretend to be joking when they say they’re far right, but they aren’t joking at all.

Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer even developed a style guide for lads like @Kyle and @glenshane.

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Wow. Long time on a housing list.

Have they refused any offers?

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I’d say it’s the layabouts carrying on with the racism tbf.

The in public racists are layabouts who have no intention of ever contributing anything worthwhile to society, only in burning it down.

They are backed up by a vocal reserve army of cowardly racist clowns like @MountLeinster and @Kyle who spend their days at work skiving so they can fill their small brains with American far right culture war content.

The latter are the equivalents of the sort of people who in Germany after the war lied about having ever supported the Nazis.

Boston Celtics Sport GIF by Bleacher Report

The little lady had her open day in big school today… Few hours in class while the parents got the usual info spiel. I was happy to note that the parents there were 90% native patriots… Of those of the plantation variety, i petitioned them and was happy enough learn that they got here legally and are employed.

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Any haunty looking wans?

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This is the fella who grunts “rent free” :grinning:

I’ve been advised to say - no comment.