TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I just listened there but it was a heavily clipped and edited video. Hard to get an idea of what she said. She’s claiming school places GP etc are an issue in D6 and D4, I presume they are and I also can’t see how anyone wouldn’t claim they were also an issue in rural communities and how they wouldn’t also be concerned.
I think at this stage it’s moving to a place where most people are on the same page on this issue. Whatever the current system is it simply isn’t working and ‘shanty towns’ of tents are the result of this.
My point was more specifically about hazel chu being called a hypocrite and I was wondering had she personally dismissed rural people’s concerns around these issues. I doubt she did but maybe I’m wrong

Headbangers hate Hazel, doesn’t matter what she says :man_shrugging:

Hazel is a headbanger.


Right on cue.

Hazel is a bit dim. Why would anyone pay heed to what she says. The amount of airtime she gets is a joke for a nothing councillor.


Yeah, extremely online racist gobshites are the only people we should pay any heed to.

We desperately need the Party Of Extremely Online Racist Gobshites to seize power and sort this country out once and for all.

I don’t pay any attention to her. As you say she gets a lot of airtime though I’m not sure why. And anytime I’ve ever heard her speak, she’s talking out of her hole…like most leftie loons.


Projection much! . anyway back on to ignore for you

You ignore what you know is correct.

As I’ve said before, anyone that steps foot in to Ireland and whispers the magic word ‘asylum’ is more or less home free here. The country and its border control is a joke and of course the bleeding heart lefty headbangers on tfk endorse this.


Ireland’s biggest gathering of halfwits.


Big turn out. Like the water charges will be inder reported

Looking more like we will change the flag on reunification for me.

Funny how our resident freak show posters choose to get outraged at Bambie Thug rather than Helium Hitler.

More than 106,000 Ukrainian refugees have come here after the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022, but thousands have since gone home, while others have secured employment and are renting their home.

Thus the current statistics show that there are 48,305 from Ukraine in State-paid accommodation, a figure that could fall further with expected changes in welfare.

Saw Mick Wallace canvassing outsode the english market yesterday. How can you vote for a fella who doesnt own a hairbrush

We had a Taoiseach who hadn’t a bank account

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Bertie was loveable.

We had a minster for higher education who dropped out of college too

Not all learning happens in University my friend.