TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

D6 people didnt burn down buildings and wave signs saying irish lives matter

Muldoons did

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There’s no muldoons outside the crown paints factory or in east wall


There was a pub with accommodation burned down in Ringsend wasn’t there, or the threat of it anyway?

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Fairly certain there were Dublin 6 lads caught up in the recent riots pal.


David Moffatt, 45, of Moyne Road, Ranelagh, was charged with threatening, abusive and insulting behaviour at O’Connell Bridge. Under bail conditions, he is to stay out of Dublin 1 and 2, observe a curfew and not partake in any violent protest or large gathering.

Mr Moffat was not brought into court after the judge was told he had soiled himself in the cells


A dirty protest.


Either that or he shat himself at the thought of a night on remand in DNS

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Racist muldoons, mate.

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He needs to look at his gut microbiome cc @Kyle

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Coolock isnt in D6 mate

Any protests in D6 mate about ipas accomadation

You need to reread your first post. With all your goalpost shifting youvetied yourself up in knots

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Listen to what hazel said mate

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Why would I listen to chu? She’d hardly be balanced or an expert on the matter

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Did hazel or another government side politician say rural dwellers dont have the right to concerns? If one of them did and the same person now is saying the D4s have genuine concerns then that’s hypocritical. If it was just people perceived to be on their woke team on twitter then I don’t think we can call that hypocrisy

Everybody is entitled to concerns, has anybody ever denied that?

The problem is the vicious and threatening mob mentality that has become part and parcel of the protests,

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Please listen to what she said mate

People have had concerns for years and the govt didn’t enforce immigration law, didn’t consult communities or provide the necessary resources. This is a mess entirely of govt making because they dismissed legitimate concerns