TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

It was a hoax

I’d say he done this to himself to gain more publicity

That’s very like something a headbanger would say


It wouldn’t surprise me at all.

He’s willing to do anything for a few votes.

He made crazy comments about the army guy during the week to jump on the bandwagon.

Christ :neutral_face::neutral_face:

“It’s a harsh thing for me to have to say as Taoiseach but I feel I need to say it, would the Defence Forces be carrying out their review that they’re now carrying out was there not so much public interest in this?” he told reporters outside Government Buildings in Dublin.
“There are people in the Defence Forces who clearly knew this was happening, why did they do nothing? These are very serious questions and as Taoiseach I am not satisfied in relation to this, I am not satisfied at all.
“I am really angry about it because we are now seeing a flurry of activity but that flurry of activity is only coming about because of the bravery of Natasha O’Brien and I want to know how many other people are hiding with convictions in relation to domestic, sexual or gender-based violence.
“They have no place, absolutely no place, in the Defence Forces.”

Which was the crazy bit?

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I like you as a poster buddy but I do sometimes worry you’ll go full Ewan.

You’ve said your fair share of stupid things on here over the years but that beats Banagher.

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I don’t see what’s crazy about it.

Harris is a career politician. These fellas will do anything for votes.

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The defence forces weren’t going to carry out their investigation until the case was done with in the courts.

He saw his opportunity to jump on a bandwagon. It was absolutely crazy for them to say that when he surely knows the protocol.

Crotty was serving all the while this was before the courts

That 100% wouldn’t happen within other arms of the state, it’s fair comment.

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Left wing or right wing career politicians are very dangerous individuals.

Calling in a bomb scare like that is the minimum a guy like Harris will do for publicity I’d imagine.

No doubt there’ll be a bad news story tomorrow about Harris tomorrow in the papers he’ll want glossed over.

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A Guard would certainly be suspended in a similar scenario and would not be back if convicted

He wasn’t a guard.

I dislike Slimy Harris immensely. But that’s a bit of a reach now in fairness :joy:

It’s hardly unrealistic one of the absolute fucking loons out there emboldened at the minute would do it

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I am aware. I’m merely saying in a similar scenario a Guard would not be working until the case was heard

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By god, every now and then you get a view through a post on here to the true heart of darkness of a fella

Was it for this Kathleen?

Id expect nothing less from Harris.

He’s a weasel and very dangerous.

You seem very upset by the suggestion.
