TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)


Time to take the gloves off


Referred to Ireland as ‘Treasure Island’ for foreigners and posited that people were intimidated by her husband, his gang and their ‘revolution’, when asked by the interviewer what could be done for people feeling this way, she said ‘they can fuck off’.

She is a gurrier.

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just watched on rte+1

horner & ennis the 2 best

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Agree. That Brian Garrigan is some scumbag. Steenson too.

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garrigan came across as a half wit tbh

steenson is a dangerous cunt - using immigration to bolster himself


GAA PRO levels of graphic design notwithstanding, I think the guards are done with these headbangers and are ready to bust some chops (i.e. defend themselves)

Maybe one for the “I’m going into town thread” but i’ll leave it here.

Had a bit of pre-ordained bidness to attend to in Dublin 9 this evening and decided I was going to cycle in and back. Left home this evening around 8 and knew this protest was in my preferred route.

I actually passed a few checkpoints that were stopping cars but was eventually stopped near the IPAC by the Gardai. A good few bonfires in the middle of the road. Sulpher and helicopters in the air. No further could I travel, I said best of luck to them and then a conversation kicked off on the back of my brogue. They told me the rioters had currently engaged enticed their colleagues into an area with a bottle bank and shit had got serious. For once in my life I had a quick retort that they had possibly read “The art of War”. I got a few guffaws and wished them luck.

I ended up doing a detour around Edenmore and Harmontown to get to D9. The place was eerily quiet. No traffic, no kids out playing, just two cohorts of peope. Young lads dressed in black either coming or going to the action or peope who live by routine doing doing their evening walk.

I did my bidness in D9 and decided on my return home to meet some pals in Killester’s Beechcomber. My men on the ground gave me a solid account of some of main instigators of trouble on the ground. A few of them interviewed by national media. Bad bad eggs with multiple run ins with the law and up to their necks in crime/drugs.

After a quart I jumped on my bike again and hit for home. Thankfully the forces for good had won the battle of the bottle bank and there were no detours on the way home. I was stopped at the Crown paints where there must have been well over 100 Gardai. The front light on my bike wasnt working. I was told get a new battery but I wasn’t the fish they wanted to fry tonight.

Up the cops, tough fuckers. Fuck the scumbags and my sympathies to the decent people around Coolock who are tarred by these incidents


Harris calls it very well. These protests are just local thugs/scrotes who see a chance to damage property and attack the police. This isn’t a politically organised far right. It’s the actions of a marginalised community that are unfortunately allows scrotes and low level criminals free rein. It’s the same mentality that saw a Lidl demolished during a bad snow fall a few years ago.



These lads brainstorm is a light drizzle.

One local man (70s), walking the footpath across from the factory, said that an emphasis on the far-right by politicians and the media “overlooks the fact that genuine people, old people like me, have concerns”.

The man said the Government has long neglected the working class communities of Dublin city and the northside.

“Places like Coolock, places like East Wall, places like Darndale, places like Sherriff Street, they don’t care. If there’s any problems here, they’ll overspill into Darndale, it’ll overspill into Coolock. They won’t overspill into Killiney Hill,” he said.

He said that those in power should not be surprised at events like Monday’s unrest, when for years, communities like Coolock have not been listened to.

“You can go into the rights and wrongs of it until the cows come home,” he said. “But if you’re not listened to day after day after day … they don’t give a s***, it’s that simple.


This is a good piece. It’s pretty much what @Cheasty has been saying for some time. I’ve said in the past when our neighbours went nutty either side of us that we couldn’t be immune to it either.

doesn’t reflect well on their political representatives

I had to drop someone to Heuston this morning and then I needed slug pellets so I went up the Malahide Road on my way home to drop into Woodies to get them. There were a few raggedy Irish flags in the trees at the Crown Paint site and a few raggedy men and women waving other raggedy flags. In Woodies the lady at the check out said it’s a bit quieter up here today. I said I’d heard it was pretty hairy alright. She said they had to shut down at 3 and go home. The place was crawling with guards.

English far right toffs in town hoping the thick Paddies will put on a show for the English far right cameras.

Farage’s agents whipping up their Falangist leprechauns sums up the total absurdity of all this.

John McGuirk’s target market at “work” again

What were the slugs eating in the garden?

The first law of politics - right wingers have fuck all except lies.

Well, money, they have a lot of money too. A lot. A very big lot.

I was watching the documentary on RTE last night and I think an anonymously interviewed scummer accused the foreigners of ‘trying to steal children.’

These lads are that zero to four percent that you can’t do anything with. I’ve signed on a lot and stood in betting shops, off-licences and pubs with them. It’s just wtf.