TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

It’s easier fire up a tweet than modify and upload to a website.

Last time I checked was years ago and it had less than 25% market penetration in Ireland, well behind Instagram and linkenin and way behind Facebook at 60+.

You keep calling him a drug addict but just because he uses a drug doesn’t make him an addict, you should be more accurate.

He’s quite obviously an addict. Give him a year or two and he’ll be howling at the moon like Peterson is now.

All the government websites are off the one template now, I’d say they could add a little scrolling banner no bother.

Not all the mental cases are addicts unfortunately.

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It’s funny, @Cheasty & yourself referring to others as nutcases :smiley: What do they say about people in glasshouses? Yere lack of self-awareness is frightening.


Believe it or not I got the idea for twitter years ago, long before it was setup. I was going to call it Fire-It-Up. I wasn’t internet savvy back then (or now) so I ran it by a few people and they all laughed at it.


You know that you’re a head the ball, don’t you?



Irish emigrant furiously calls bus driver “terrorist bastard”. Clearly not a man who paid attention in history class in school.

Sounds Oirish

Douglas Murray is such an absurd figure that if he didn’t exist he’d have had to be invented.

Just like every other major far right figure. It’s the caricatured, comic book “I am evil and I love it” supervillain personas they have adopted that’s mad. But I guess the absurdity is an essential part of the schtick. When I was young I could scarcely imagine Hitler had actually existed because he seemed such an absurd caricature. But now the absurd caricatures are back and they’re real.

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They’re openly allied with rapists and actual sex traffickers.

It’s a pro-rape “movement”.

The same as the democrat party in the US so.

The comments under this. Under the “most relevant” heading I counted 188 blue tick accounts spewing abuse at Humza Yousaf. 18k responses, the overwhelming majority spewing similar abuse no doubt.

Musk has got to be stopped, the man is a modern day Goebbels.

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Most obvious pisstake ever and Graham linehan the stupid cunt falls for it.

Sentenced to 10 months. Good riddance.


Theyy won’t see a pound of it from him.



Should have used Chippie