TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

No but all far rights are racist


It would appear to be anyone who questions a fake news story thats published in the media.

Even the far right lads get annoyed when you call them far right.


These dirty refugee bastards are keeping honest irish kids out of schools…

Esteban said this would happen in fairness. We should have locked them out months ago.

True paytriots

A visionary

The neoliberal policies of FFG over the last 12+ years have shattered the country and created a void now being filled with hate.

Nail on head. Terrified the Ukrainians are here to threaten their lifetime on the dole. Not to mention the absolute hypocrisy of West brits telling people to get out of Ireland.


Free flowing information is needed says SF TD

They’ll be in the pub all tomorrow afternoon in their Liverpool tracksuits after collecting their dole


It does happen most years. From a very quick google search it was being discussed in the Dail back in 2019. You’ll have to find something else to blame the refugees for.


That secondary school shtick entry system is going on over 25 years in Limerick.

It is genuinely an awful way of doing things. The first born son in particular was at a big disadvantage.

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But at least he gets the farm to fall back on


Dublin is a Manc stronghold. Keep us scousers out of it.

True enough, hasnt always been the case though.

Where was I blaming refugees you weirdo?

:rofl: oh captain, my captain …

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I was in Finglas today between 8.45am & 12.15pm so happy to provide my eye witness observations to any lurking media outlets.