TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I’m shocked at how racist working class Dubliners are. Scumbag cunts.

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We have too many Ukrainians.

schools are struggling to meet demand, businesses are losing out because there are no hotels for tourists to stay in some parts of Ireland (Youghal) and there is a lot of anger, which is feeding the lunatics

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Netflix and fucking football. He’s calling ye out lads

Morning Ireland reported this morning that 20
Kids in Limerick have no secondary school

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Happens every year, they’ll get a place


They need to man up and get in the line of fire of those Russian missiles.

The real hardship is felt by the whining Irish.

Does it?

They are anti social scrotes who now have a cause for their anger at the world.


It’s there country. You hardly expect paddy Irishman to do it?

And it only going to get worse unfortunately.

“There country”?

Could you perhaps post that in English or Irish?

It comes up every year, a young lad in my daughters class got no place last year,
But he’s in a school now, there’ll be a place for everyone in August


If that’s the case then it’s funny it was on the news as a story. More agenda driving from RTÉ

Looks like we got a badass over here

The school application system in Limerick is stupid,
But I’m pretty sure this was reported in the media previously also, it’s mad sometimes what ends up on the news


It is definitely chilling that a lot of these far right agitators that post these disgraceful videos online are Dubs

Ordihairy peeahpadle

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Another salt of the earth Dub here; mustn’t have had his coddle this morning and is anxiously awaiting his next dole payment to pay off for a holiday to Benidorm

Why are you calling them far right? Are all racists far right?

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Can we get a definition of far right? It seems to be something no one wants to be