TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I always felt we were both intellectually and morally superior to the brits but I really do have my doubts now. Everyone has a right to protest and without doubt mistakes were made in terms of planning and proper communication. However nothing can justify whats going on this country since the turn of the year


Wait a second, isn’t that TUV election candidate David Vance who was suspended from Twitter for abusing Marcus Rashford?

Why are you right wing headbangers who pretend to be “Irish patriots” allied with Loyalist extremists?



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So David Vance is doing a Kitty Holland on it is what you’re implying ? Paid actors I guess?

Kitty Holland is a reputable journalist. The only thing the headbangers you quote are known for is telling lies in order to whip up race hatred.

Get these animals back on the boat they came in on.

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So you’re saying Kitty Holland didn’t lie? :joy: Right you are, away with you and let the adults discuss the current affairs of the day in peace.

If you add a smiley to a steaming pile of horseshit it’s still a steaming pile of horseshit, mate.

Which every post you’ve made here has been.

Now, away back to your buddies in the UDA and the British National Front with you.

I saw on twitter even John McGuirk has admitted kitty Holland never said she saw the camp being attacked

Refugees - out, out, out

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That’s a fairly Jesuitical point.

That seems like she said she saw it alright! Some lad on twitter had mcgurk pinned down last night and he said she didn’t. Fuck me its an annoyingly Jesuitical story is right. Was the camp attacked or not does anyone know? :smile:

There needs to be protests in every town and village in Ireland

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Absolute charmers

Protesters had earlier shouted abuse at a man who was trying to bring his wife to hospital when he asked them to move their initial blockade of a road into Finglas.

The man had been attempting to bring his wife for kidney dialysis when he got caught in a traffic jam caused by the demonstrators.

When he left his car to confront them, he was met with verbal abuse from some of the protestors, who could be heard shouting “fat bastard” at the man and “you’re either with us or against us”.

He later was seen walking to nearby gardaí to ask them to intervene, before returning to his car.

A woman who also got out of her car to say she was late for work, was called a “slut” and told to “fuck off”.

One of the protesters was openly carrying a placard with the Nazi swastika sign.

Where the fuck are they gonna put them?

Was it you said here before if they are going to take them in they need to get out on the front foot on this quick before they completely lose control of the narrative. TV ad campaigns, programmes, social media get the violins out and give proper explanations of who these people are what kind of shit has them here etc.

Yes, It’s certainly something they should do… Instead of radio silence and letting the refugees/ migrants take the brunt of everything.

](Homeless man describes being attacked with ‘sticks’ and ‘dogs’ at Dublin camp -

Man who stayed in Ashtown migrant camp describes being attacked with ‘sticks’ and ‘dogs’

The Portugese man says he now plans to leave Ireland for good

Eugene MastersonSunday World

Tue 31 Jan 2023 at 17:25

A young migrant who was forced out of his tented home when he and his friends were confronted by a group of angry Irishmen at their camp in north Dublin over the weekend has said they were violently attacked.

And so scared is Portuguese national Elvis (31) of any further trouble from the growing scourge of far-right outbursts here that he intends heading back to his home country for good.

The attack on the migrant camp at Ashtown in northwest county Dublin happened just 48 hours after the Sunday World visited the site and spoke to several men who were living in tents there.

During our team’s visit, a Dublin man – aged in his late 20s and dressed in a grey tracksuit – descended on the isolated camp.

The camp is located in the woodland onto the banks of the river Tolka.

The Dubliner we encountered reacted aggressively when asked by Elvis what he was doing there, replying; “just seeing who’s here and what’s going on” and refused to give his name.

Elvis does not believe the man in question was one of the group who attacked him and his friends but believe he may have been scoping the site out.

“He was clearly videoing the tents and us and talking into the phone as if he was livestreaming,” Elvis told us.

“Another man also visited the site a day or two before and put up a video online complaining about our presence, which led to comments on online that we needed to be ‘ran out’”.

Elvis describes in detail how his group were attacked.

“It all happened so fast, but they had dogs with them and threatened us,” he told the Sunday World.

“They had sticks and some sort of bat. They hit two of my friends on the site, one young guy from Croatia and the other man from Hungary.

“One of the men who attacked the camp was wearing a hood.

“The whole thing was awful. I did not know it was going to be so bad.”

He added his two friends were injured but did not have to be hospitalised.

“It happened very fast, but I managed to get my stuff as soon as possible and head out of there,” he recalls.

“I didn’t want to hang around as the dogs they had seemed quite vicious.

“The men themselves were very violent. I don’t know if they were high on drugs or whatever, but they were very aggressive. We never thought things would escalate like that.”

“Some of my friends were so scared they left tents and stuff behind.

"Nobody wants to go back there again, in case we meet them again.”

Elvis has left…

Elvis is all shook up there.

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