TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

All this aggravation ain’t satisfactioning me

Referencing an article where the main witness to an attack is Elvis is pretty bottom of the barrel stuff to be fair now :joy:

I recognise more than a few here, one in particular is the partner of our ex neighbour who is leeching off the state scum the lot of them


Elvis would have liked a little more conversation a little less action please


He’d want learn how to steal And learn how to fight…

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As a proud Irish Australian, living in one of the most multicultural cities in the world, I’m trying my best to suppress feelings of shame and embarrassment around these protests. My yellow, brown, dark brown and black colleagues have always viewed me (and by extension, the Irish) as a man of the people.

I will be doing my utmost to distance myself from the increasing racist factions taking over the streets of Ireland. These are not my people.


Beats joyroidin

Big numbers… It’s evident that refugees are not welcome in Ireland.

It’s a good point, although I never considered us superior in any way to the English, but everything they are hated for around the world is evident in our latest batch of patriotic heroes.

Will all you lads giving out organize a counter march to show how the real Irish feel?

@iron_mike , @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy , @glasagusban

Or will you just snipe away on the internet?

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I’d say the real figure is 400,000.

As long as they are sent to the Mullingars and Fermoys of this world it’s grand…when they rock up next to Iron Mike and Tracksuit it’ll be a different story then.

There’s literally hundreds of them in my neighborhood, you’re well out of touch

The mask slips


It always amazes me how much Irish people over estimate the national IQ.


How many migrants/refugees would posters think Ireland should take in?

In order to help people who actually desperately need safety, they will have to differentiate between economic migrants and refugees, ie people fleeing war, or their relations in South Africa they just don’t really get on with

That’s far right speak.

Everything is. It gives the lads labelling some meaning in lives though and an unrale, just unrale, sense of superiority

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That’s some of it unfortunately…flexing some moral superiority but zero fortitude to go do anything in real life.

It’s very clear tge system is broken… @estebandaface and i raised it 6 months ago and we were lambasted by our moral superiors.
But protesting outside refugee centres and hotels is wrong whatever your thoughts. Bring it to the Dail.

You’ve asked a very common sense question and it’s one that should be a national debate. Being locked into the EU means we have to take a certain proportion of migrants/refugees but we’re getting very little from the top @Arthur … And when the government are quiet on the topic and when others with superior moral compasses do nothing but hide behind keyboards, then the protesters will continue to grow. And then we’ll really have a far right…

The modern world is tough. There’s a lot of people in spiritual pain . There’s more again feeling they are being left behind economically with house/rent and cost of living… Dem fodeners stealing all our jobs is a nice easy out and something really hateful groups can use to turn people…

But the fact remains that the system is totally fucked. We currently have no facilities to house a quarter of those coming in and it’s not magically going to get better.
Genuine cases should be looked after, these fucks turning up with an iPhone 10 and no passport should be sent back where they came from …

But most of all we need some leadership… Martin and Leo were quick out in front of a camera when COVID hit. This is now almost a national emergency with protests and individuals being harassed and assaulted all over the country. You’d like to think we’re better than that but :person_shrugging:t2:


Pat the plank had a segment on the lads loosing passports yesterday,the horrible far right bastard.

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