TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

A woman has been jailed for eight and a half years after being found guilty of lying about being raped and trafficked by an Asian grooming gang, and making false rape claims against a series of other men.

That’s not a great look. I’d imagine she’ll be made an example of.

They were my thoughts as well. Calls his son by a girl’s name then makes his wokeness a national story about a contentious issue while knowing he himself is a divisive figure. Well maybe he doesn’t actually he’s so far up his own arse. A very strange thing to do as a new father.


It remarkable how some lads here don’t know how far up their own arses they are.

But perversely entertaining. :grinning:


The just asking questions mob don’t like being asked questions.

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Why do all these Nazis in all these videos have Dublin accents?

Maybe they’re from Dublin

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Is that a Dublin accent?

@Ceist , are both accents in the video above Dublin accents?

I’m afraid you’ve reached this week’s quota for bot interactions

Today is the start of a new week you dolt

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I’m afraid you’ve reached this week’s quota for bot interactions

The main speaker has a midlands accent I’d say, not Dublin anyway

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Yep, said he was ex army.

They had some coherent stance about missing passports but once the Raping & Vaccine talk ensued it was away with the fairies time.

They want to protect women by being aggressive towards women.

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Moan moan moan
Whinge whinge whinge
Moan at women
Moan at trans people
Moan at anybody who isn’t anti-trans
Yell at clouds

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It appears that Biden and Trudeau are a pair of auld right wing racists. They don’t like foreigners.

Something that’s fascinating about left wing activists, whenever a left wng or left leaning government is in power, anything bad that happens is due to the right.

Riots in France, banks failing, war in Europe, cost of living crisis, high inflation, immigration issues, housing crisis, health care crisis, etc. etc. Musk’s fault, Trump’s fault, Kim Dotcom’s (who the fuck is he?) fault, the two lads in the National Party’s fault, Putin apologists fault.

It’s never the fault of the lads actually supposedly running the show.


It’s remarkable that the forum’s biggest self-styled pro-capitalist is now cheerleading protests including arson against a pro-capitalist move by a French president, merely because the pro-Trump industrial bullshit machine are cheerleading it on for no other reason than that they genuinely do want to see the world burn. Craving to see the world burn was always the inevitable outcome of the Trump/Fox/Brexiteer/Putinist cabal.

To refuse to see any of what is blindingly obvious requires surrendering your brain, and you voluntarily surrendered your brain to the headbangers a long time ago,

Our former scum neighbour and her equally scummy boyfriend are pictured at this, could we not do a swap and send them out to oppressive regimes? A few others that I recognise that are also in free houses and hoovering benefits from the state, of course the point is entirely lost on them that the vast vast majority of asylum seekers only want to work and contribute to society as opposed to never working a day in their lives and permanently leeching off the state.