That Strange Work Phenomenon

Ted Im going mad.

There was spate of them in my office, 4 have dropped sprogs in the last year or 2, and another one who started here was back in work after dropping one. Most of the girls are grand, knows that the lads wouldnt have much interest in it so dont rub noses in it, but one of the cows in here (for many reasons she is a cow) had the baby a week or so before Christmas, and brought the baby to the work Christmas Party to show off. The fecking thing was 3 days old. Poor lad will have a nightmare of a life ahead of him. She came in after Christmas then with the baby to show us all, usualy shite again, but she gave us all one of those professional job photos of him. I didnt know what to do with it! What the fuck did I want a picture of some cows 1 month old baby for? Was hardly going to stick it on the wall or anything.

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That is one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever heard. She gave a picture to everyone. Freak.

The incident today was a strange one. It was actually the department head who brought his missus into the office with the kid.

yeah, that one isnt right in the head. She was trying for a baby for ages, and one of the girls got pregnant, not by accident, but wasnt really as planned as she was trying, and yer one wouldnt talk to her for ages. Kinda like, ‘how could you get pregnant before me?’. She brought her mother to the Christmas party too so she could babysit the child while she had dinner with the rest of the company. The woman could barely feckin stand, she only out of hospital a day and bringing the poor thing out for a party in December. And the pictures then after Christmas, absolute freak. I didnt know what to say when she handed it to me.

Oh dear, the company are worse for letting her bring 3 generations of her family to the party. I’d say that party was a right hoot.

I dont think anyone really expected her to turn up tho, how could you? It didnt cost the company anything extra, she wouldnt cancel her dinner, but it was kinda taken as a given she wouldnt be there. The mother and babby werent around for the meal, and she fecked off herself after dinner. I didnt go near the fool all night, wouldnt have any respect for someone doing shite like that trying to use a 3 day old baby to show off. She tried bring the family to a dinner thing tho shortly after that, and they told her no that it was a company thing. We all started taking the piss out of her at it then saying we she was worse than a traveller trying to get all the family a few freebies, and she’ll have all the cousins going next.

That story is sick to say the least, I can understand bringing the baby into the office, but to a party, thats a tad too much!

It sounds to me like yer woman was treating the baby like an accessory.

thats exactly it. A showpiece, like the yank kids with their show and tell. She just used a 3 day baby at a party in December.

That’s off the scale in terms of scarily freakish behaviour. Women are dangerous individuals. We should all pause and remember that.

Fuck me - one of the girls I work with has brought her sister in with her baby. Jesus christ, if I asked my sister to bring either of her 2 kids in to meet all my work colleagues she wouldnt be shy about telling me where to go!

Christ, correct me if I’m wrong here - so it’s not even her own baby but she’s invited her sister and her sister’s new baby into the office. That’s as odd as Gman’s story.

Her sister lives in Australia and had her first baby back in November. Yer one has been harping on about it and running around with baby photos to show anyone who cares to show an interest. The sister is over visiting for a few weeks now so she drags the 2 of them in here for everyone to see. God knows what will happen if she ever has one herself.

Surely there must be some way to stop this. It’s outrageous behavior not to mention it being extremely creepy

get them nuetered like you would with a randy dog or a cat in heat.

sounds to me like the girl that works there is broody as fuck and would use a sperm filled funnel to concieve. nothing worse than some sad lonely young dog who has pictures of her sister/brothers kids all over the desk. that just reeks of spinster-in-waiting.

i have a 6 month old kid and brought her in on a friday afternoon for 10 mins.
every fanny in the place was around my young one freaking her out so we left sharpish with the sound of muffled disgust in the background from birds who hadnt seen my kid.

Women are mad like that. Between finding the perfect man, then getting engaged and the ring and all that goes with that - competing with other birds in the office with size of engagement band etc. Then it’s the wedding. Wedding photos that are up on line. Then babies.

My missus didn’t bring our twins into work or aout. The dept. head arranged a lunch off site for the rest of the dept and she brought Ben and Jerry along and it was away from people in her work that she doesn’t give a shite about…thought it was a better way. Never bothered with those personalised cards or thank you cards or any of that shite. People were great to give you gifts etc but they know you’re delighted to receive them, they don’t need a card from you.
Where I am working 3 birds up the Damien Duff, another one just popped and that birds sister is due back from maternity. Mental stuff.

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That’s the thing really. They seem to be very competitive and have everything planned out and scripted out in their minds. Myself and a few of the lads were talking about this lad we know who’s a ridiculously boring gimp and is an ugly fook too. Anyway, he’s been seeing a decent bird for the last while and we were amazed by it. Then it all finally made sense - he’s 6 or 7 years older than us and so is his bird. So even though she should be doing far, far better she doesn’t want to be left on the shelf and has gone for him as the safe, secure and dependable option, i.e. the boring option. Bearing all that in mind I can’t wait to pull a right hottie when I’m in my early thirties and she’s let her standards slip dramatically because she’s 2 years behind her plan of being married by 30 or something. Women = Freaks.

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Thankfully none of the cows in my office have ever brought their off-spring in, my boss wouldn’t mind as such but in general he’s into the whole professional work-like atmosphere at all times. But one time… a dog ran into the office… Jesus that was great… He was running about like a lunatic with his head and ears back, tongue out, mad-eyed, weaving in and around desks, in and out of offices, down the corridor and that…

It was fantastic althogether until some fooker clearly with zero sense of humour shunted the poor divil out… I welcome all distractions at work, no matter how small and innocuous!

Not me I take it? Fits most of the criteria except the ugly fook part.