That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Ah, yeah, for REAL journalism you have to go the far right propagandists like Grift and tankie scum like Cosgrave who want to bring down liberal democracy. :rofl:

I get my news from a number of sources not just the ones i agree with. You should try it sometime

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So why do you always come across as somebody who hasn’t read any news at all since 1998?


Go fuck yourself you pathetic piece of shit.

Who is this Cunt an alter of?

He’s not a fan of Sir Bob anyway.

No need to go there

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We always said Tipp were windy


I’m giving you a ‘like’ for that you cunt

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Who can forget this shitbox of an interview

The show just finished on rte - Eoin warner - is as good as I have seen on the channel

No wonder the Dubs are struggling playing two games


What’s the story with Liam Aherne. He’d be good enough to be full time with RTE? He seems to be part time with the commentary or is that the case for most of them commentating?

He does auctioneering as day job. A good lot of commentators would be freelance and have day jobs during the week. Your man Martin Kiely had a shop in Shanagolden years back (not sure was he owner or manager or still involved?). Others are on the full-time payroll with RTÉ, but do more than commentating

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Jesus Christ, RTÉ was right, the BBC was just waiting to snap up our top talent all along!


Offer Marty Morrissey whatever he wants


Trump fell in love with her that time. She’s probably replacing Tocker Carswell.

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