That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

True enough. I couldn’t see anyone else making Killinascully


God no. It needs to be renamed but no issue with the same staff and leadership

Sort of like FAS that time.

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It’s RTÉ we’re talking about here, not TG4.


Could you imagine losing all that URC coverage? The women’s rugby team?

Surely long sojourns in chokey for tubs et al given how RTE pushed for fhe jailing of “licence fee spongers”

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Not to mention the wimmin’s AFL.

He needs to be made an example of

Really looking forward to “Tubridy the Musical”


What charge would you file against tubs Matlock


Isnt he a contractor

Great to see Tubridy getting a long overdue kicking.

Would be lovely if Joe Duffy was caught up in this too, the establishment shill.


Yes, would be fantastic if he got caught up as well

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Im sure theres something under revenue law or the companies act

You’re sure…seems legit

Are you assuming Tubridys accountant hasn’t dealt with his tax obligations on this payment? I haven’t read that anywhere

I think this is fucking hilarious but on basis of facts that are published all I can see tubs being guilty of is sanctimony and being a hypocrite

He’d be a fine poster for here


Himself and his agent and RTÉ conspired to subvert commercial revenue from RTE to his pocket.

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Anyone in behind this paywall?

He could be complicit in whole thing. Misleading public accounts as to his actual income.
Is he part of a union that were fighting for him and his colleagues when pay cuts were implemented.

Tubrity is not some fella a doing a few nixers to supplement his salary.
Surely when he stopped doing these personal appearances for the commercial partner and the money kept rolling in he would ask a question.
He is not some lad on a shop floor getting paid for OT that he didn’t do and keeping the head down in case anyone notices the extra few bob in his pay check.

His statement yesterday was very wishy washy.

And that of his management company.

His NK Management company said: "We were made aware today of RTÉ’s statement concerning its accounting treatment and public declarations of payments made to Ryan Tubridy. These are matters for which RTÉ has sole responsibility and accountability.

"There is no issue whatsoever in relation to the payments being properly and lawfully due and there is no suggestion of any wrongdoing on the part of Ryan Tubridy or NK Management.

Properly and lawfully due?
How could the payments be due if he didn’t do the work for a commercial partner?
I thought that was laid out under a separate contract?

Wow, the FF wagons circled quickly.

He’s knee deep in corruption. He was baying for level five lock down. Easy see why given how much he was coining it in during the pandemic.

He didn’t leave his beloved late late show gig because he thought this might be look bad. He left because he knew he’d be facing jail.