That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Your man Michael mcnamara is an impressive character from what I’ve seen of him during this. Good articulate speaker not afraid to challenge consensus. Doesn’t seem to play up to the rural thing or be overly self serving either like the Healy raes for eg. What’s his background or what type of skeletons are in his closet?

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@myboyblue Question for you here, pal.

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Best we hold that back for when it will really have an impact Big Dog.

Barrister. Formerly part of the Labour Party.

I haven’t heard anyone have a lash off him at all. Even here!
He must be left leaning enough if he’s former Labour

Ex Labour

RTE 2 showing Smokey and the Bandit this afternoon
Wonder that viewing figures that would get?

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Its on Netflix too, so anyone who wanted to watch it did last week

Listened to 30 mins or so (I know my own fault) of Ryan Tubridy radio show this morning

I’d say he can’t believe his luck at how much he gets paid for what he does.

Jackie Gleason was brilliant in that.


A local Gard had a right lash at him a few years ago, literally

Ruined his musical the same night

Can ye do a few more months of this cos that’s all it is.
Keep it down lower chance to mutate as that makes things messy

May June we’re laughing

Tell me more…

A significant shift in tone from RTÉ on this evening’s 9pm news. Mostly positive news.

The letters are working. Well done, all.

Still seems very insincere, like a violent spouse that’s suddenly being nice without explanation.


Did @glasagusban get a response yet?

A few more letters and TFK could get Claire Byrne off our screens and Breaking Ball back on it.


Fergal Bowers is a beacon of light and hope compared to Grim George Lee.

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@glasagusban has shaken up montrose