That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Never underestimate the power Limerick wield on the INTERNET

Charlie’s tweet earlier seems to have set the tone.

They were quick enough to respond. They asked for clarification on aspects of the complaint which I think was being disingenuous as it was clear what aspect of the act I was complaining, I used the language contained in the act. I clarified anyway. Response within 20 days.


I got the same… Want me to pinpoint what code/provision/article was breached. A clear strategy to put people off.

David Langwallner: Shelter From The Storm |

Clearly. If you copied and pasted my email then it specifically says “objective and impartial” which is the language of the code. I’m sure they’re very familiar with it and will recognise it straight away.

I went out of my way to pen something very different to yours… Got a quick enough reply despite saying why it was unbalanced etc

@Thomas_Brady, fairness, objectivity and impartiality.

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There was a fierce amount of typos in that article. You couldn’t take it seriously. Also using the Eichmann analogy for stopping fellas going to Tenerife in a pandemic was slightly ott.

I’ll reply to them later… I’ll show them exactly what codes they breached.

Drive it into them. Bury the cunts.


Limerick, Limerick, Limerick.


I’m surprised anyone reads broadsheet anymore

Is GOD still writing for them?

No just Frilly Keane now.

You’d have to surmise that Darragh Maloney has spent a large portion of the pandemic baking and atin’ banana bread. That or he’s a hoor for the stirabout. He’s surely up 15/20 kilos.


I have it from a very reliable source that the amount of complaints to the BAI regarding the RTE “agenda” has increased significantly since early January. I am aware of a number of groups that are utilizing the BAI route to great effect but there are obviously a growing amount of individuals that are not willing to sit idly by any longer. Hopefully this continues and at least makes some difference to the editors when they sit down to decide what the population should be told in the future


I gave em a lash of Fairness, objectivity & impartiality in news and current affairs
Section 48(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act:

cc @glasagusban.


I take full credit.


Looking forward to this show this evening :roll_eyes: