That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

RTE are just repeating the same mistakes time after time and expecting different results, madness!!

there’s also the opinion that theyre entitled to the licence fee. whilst its provided for in law, its also up to RTE to justify the licence fee and they have failed miserably in that regard.

whats required now is a Beeching type report on the future of irish public style broadcasting. Can RTE justify 2 stations, can it justify packing the schedules with imported dross thats readily available on streaming platforms?, can it justify the staff numbers??

the answers to all of the above should be a resounding no. RTE needs to become radical or redundant. and forbes has failed woefully and needs to go


It was on the panel discussion during the last section of the show.

Isn’t this the chance for TV3 to go on their own and not tow the NPHETHSE party line.

You still reckon RTÉ are making up emails?

TV3 are coining in the advertising revenue from NPHETHSE too. Not to the same extent, as they don’t have a radio platform, but their snout in firmly in the trough.

I’d say to a large degree they can where it’s cheap.

hardly public service programming. the point of RTE dual funding is that they shouldnt be a commercial station, yet they continue to try and fail to be so

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Are you saying we should enable rte to operate without any commercial funding?

yes, reduce it down to one station for TV and one for radio. pure emphasis on public service programming

So RTÉ would not be supporting the Arts anymore with this model?

Let’s list out the arts RTÉ supports, and perhaps see can they be supported elsewhere

And 100% funded by license fee?

Here you go pal

Can you not even come up with something, try be productive around here for once ffs

And now they’ll all be entitled to paid holidays and the benefits of full time employment.

Lyric FM is good and RnaG is good. They’re the only two decent stations that RTE runs.

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Does RTÉ run RNG?


supporting the arts is implicit in public service broadcasting. however those cunts at macnas dont count as the arts

yes, but make changes to the way licence fee is collected and lower the price: 100% compliance will give RTE a stable budget