That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Disappointing to see only two clicks for the haveyoursay option here lads.

I’ll pull it out again, so the lads can give it the big one and overhaul RTÉ.

Survey complete in under 10 minutes. Get it done lads.

Done 10 days ago.

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I knew you would have mate. You’re one of the good ones here.

I told them to fire George Lee into the sun. From their lack of response I can assume they are still considering the matter.

Did it there. Few tricky questions at the end.

did the survey. the questions are very clearly drafted to ensure a particular response: i.e. keep doing what we’re doing and to extract more money from the taxpayer

I gave it to them with both barrels

Even the areas where you are allowed give your own feedback?

no, but they wont point to that at all. they just trot out that 78% of respondents said that… ad nauseum

And the extremely unhappy part wont count do you reckon?

How important is it to you that the programs reflect diversity in Ireland @artfoley?

on which scale?

and how is diversity defined?

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You’re splitting hairs here @artfoley


no im not. the second question is very pertinent

Nasty post


Agreed. I assumed that it would be an opportunity to give them feedback on how they are doing in certain areas which it isn’t apart from the couple of open text boxes. It does like designed to come to a conclusion that says look everyone thinks it is important to have diverse and independent coverage so continue to fund us to do that as opposed to oh shit the people are on to us.

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Yikes. They ain’t backing him anyway.

No wishing him well for the future.

“His contract is due to expire shortly.”

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The poor sister who writes the agony aunt will be in a bind now. As they say on mumsnet “LTB”