That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

I was busy living at work at around 3.10pm today when I was summoned down from the study* to change the baby’s shitty nappy. I had a conversation with my life partner that went something like this…

Her: Did you see Sarah McInerney is going to be presenting Primetime with Miriam and another fella?

Me: I just saw that alright.

Her: I wonder what that means for the one with the short hair.

Me: Yeah, I dunno if she’ll cover for them or what. The pay-out after the thing with John McGuirk might have counted against her.

Her: The horse racing fella?

*spare bedroom


It was Franner from Love/Hate

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Frog Eyes Stanners is back on Primetime.

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I thought she was a very good presenter. Better than Fran McNulty anyway.

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Good shout by Brolly here.


Rubby goys love rte

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What do you make of Duncan?

Biden hates the Brits :clap:

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does this cretin realise that RTE only reported the story, it was dropped into their laps by the whistleblower. there’s been plenty of whistleblowing that RTE have ignored

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RTE undercover reporters unearthed waitresses serving pints without a substantial meal. Hard hitting journalism right there


Hes woke and will run for social Democrats. Take no notice of him

Pubs Pubs Pubs


This is the head guy for the restaurants association

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Lovely stuff.

Hunt the bastard

Here’s why RTE are pointing out it’s ESRI data

Still worth firing Lee into the sun

Does Tansport mean cricket?

Cricket, Sailing, Lawn Tennis.


In school when the teacher would forget to give the class homework George Lee was the lick arse cunt who would put up his hand to remind him.


Surely the teacher would be just as much of a cunt in that scenario if the gave the homework?