That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Paddy Cosgrave

P O Neill of course.

RTE back in profit again due to COVID.

You’ll see less and less major sporting events covered on RTÉ. It’s saving them rakes of money not sending crews off to Olympics, Euros etc

George Lee deserves to be brought up to Tubs’ salary. He’s got the viewers on tenterhooks every night

I see Sarah McInerney and some fella called Fran are joining the Primetime team.

Mark Coughlan (I think that’s his name) was the only decent presenter on Primetime so I assume he’s been shunted off somewhere else.

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Fran McNulty the lad with the ludicrous moustache

Mark was one of their diversity and inclusion candidates.

Person with working class accent.

Tick box.


Louise and Mark only started last year as new faces. Shunted aside already. Miriam still hanging around haunting the place.

They had a segment earlier about how nobody really knows If the vaccine works and how restrictions will continue for years.

They are some bunch of cunts.

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Your wan probably dropped after the savaging she got from John McGuirk

Shit stirrers

He is/was an editor in the show and was only plugging the gap/trialling while they replaced mccullagh. I thought he was decent any time I saw him, as good as any of the rest of em anyway

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Louise was another diversity and inclusion candidate

Frog eyed lesbian with a rockabilly haircut.

Tick box.


I presume that was how the Cork wan on Winning Streak got in as well.

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She deserves credit for achieving what they said was impossible, finding a job where you get to work less hours than the late Marian Finuance and take home a nice wedge each month.

I was just about to post the same :grinning:

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I’d say he must do some voice over work, sounded very like him on this evening Episode of My Tribe ( dance scene episode )

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