That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

A fucking, sensationalist wanker then?

Yes, an RTE Investigates reporter.

He investigates pubs and pharmacies around Dublin City centre.

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Very informative @glasagusban, thanks for that

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Death around every corner. You take your life in your hands every time you set foot in a pharmacy.

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All these dangerous drugs around yet noone in rte ever saw gerry ryan hoovering up the charlie


That fat, entitled ripple-jowl Boucher-Hayes? Oh no wait, you said reporter, and someone else said journalist so it definitely isn’t him.


Mark Little has done it again

Spotify acquires Dublin-based tech firm Kinzen to detect harmful content Spotify acquires Dublin-based tech firm Kinzen to detect harmful content

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The RTÉ mantra about their talent making it big elsewhere making total sense now. Little has done very well for himself.

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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The Office
The Inbetweeners
Mark Little


RTE with a 45 mins Prime Time show on how O’Connell St has become a shithole. Surely thats about 44 mins too long.

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No harm to bring some spotlight to it. They might send a gardai car up there once or twice if the pressure comes on.


And 30 years late

A bit like hurling always being in crisis, O’Connell Street has always been in decline since the Helga let loose.


Pity, it has the potential to be a great street. Lovely and wide.

There seems to be a flurry of articles about it at the moment, lamenting what it has become. I can’t ever remember a time when people were not giving out about O’Connell St though. So its shiteness has been a while in the making.

I see Damian O’Reilly is quitting the radio lark and heading for Brussels.

O’Connell Street never recovered from the demolition of the Metropole. Or the Pillar. Or the Carlton. Or the Royal Dublin. Or whatever was there before the Royal Dublin. So I hear anyway.

Others would pinpoint it to the opening of Burgerland (of Burgerland Neptune fame). Others consider the arrival of McDonald’s and Burger King and Supermacs as near neighbours on the lower part of the street, interspersed with Champion Sports and Marathon Sports, as a nail in the coffin. That the advent of the shell suit led to a shell of a street.

Others still lament the departure of the trams. Others lament the return of the trams. Others lament the development of the middle island as a pedestrian thoroughfare, others lament the destruction of the trees on the middle island. Others lament the failure to replace the Pillar. Others lament the eventual replacement of the Pillar with a giant needle. I lament the closing of Clery’s. I lamented the departure of the revolving door at the entrance to Clery’s.

Should the supposed showpiece street of a nation’s capital city have room for a Dr. Quirkey’s Good Time Emporium or a Funland or a Ned Kelly’s? This is a question that has long been asked.

O’Connell Street is what it is. It will never be the Champs Elysees. Perhaps we shouldn’t want it to be.


Gilroy replaced the Pillar and we walked all over Muldoons for 10 years after.