That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

:scream: :exploding_head:

Could this be why @gilgamboa is fervently defending this?

RTE & Munster Rugby - two of the most vile, insidious institutions in society.


Surely not!

The Tanaiste wading in now.

Is there a difference between ‘clarity’ and ‘comprehensive clarity’?


Tubridy’s head on a spike next, please.

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Not Laois’s Rose :cry:

She’s on holidays :joy::joy::joy:

She’s retiring in a few weeks

I hope Sean O Rourke isnt caught up in this :angry:

Are they two previously unknown Burke sisters?

I hope those two ladies stand outside RTE every day from now on.

It would be so Burkean to do fuck all work while actually employed and then turn up everyday when you’re suspended.

RTÉ is a cess pit. You’d wonder how much they’ve gotten away with over the years with FFG governments leaving them alone for a quid pro quo when it came to critiquing govt policy.

Good to see the layers of old establishment slowly being peeled.


The bottom of the rung lowly RTE staff need to twist the knife now. Pitchfork the cunts

The Head of the RTE board neglected to mention on the news last night that the Director General had been suspended the day before!! I’d say McCullagh (apologies for the spelling) will not appreciate being made a fool of and the next sacrificial lamb will be filleted. From now on a standard closing question should be ‘is there anything which may be relevant to this discussion which you have not disclosed?’ closing off the ‘well you never asked me about that’ loophole. Clare Byrne missing this morning as well?At this rate I’ll be covering for Joe Duffy in an hour😀


This whole country is as corrupt as fuck with RTE, politicians, presenters, journalists and producers all lining each others pockets in weirdo establishments like Grogans.

Anything outside of this circle is considered right wing, fascist etc.


You were doing ok until the last bit.

Ah Jesus, everything is headbanger stuff now :joy:
If we had Saipan today it would divide along left v right