That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

The real victims in this fiasco are the toy show kids and @backinatracksuit


Christ, Oireland is a cesspit of corruption


I’m probably the least exercised person on TFK at these ‘revelations’ :joy:


I believe you. No explanation needed!

The money was only resting in his account

Literally everything involves brown envelopes.

“Sorry Ryan, you have to take a 100k pay cut, but here’s 300k to ease the pain a bit”.

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Who is this NK crowd.That auld crow Terry Prone was having a cut at them on the news yesterday.

I don’t think thats true at all he holds some leftie views and some righty views. He’s not remotely comparable to who you mentioned or Ewan mackenna are the likes.


Correct McNamara is a fine TD.

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Any “leftie” views he ever had he has long since left behind. He’s a Ewan alright.

I’m sure this happens everywhere

You’d have to assume that, seeing as this practice went on for a few years, it’s unlikely just to be used to pay Tubs. There must be several more

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Scanned through his timeline there and he hasn’t one ewanesque view I can see. He even supports military aid for the Ukrainians. He was the only td to publicly voice what every single intelligent person of every political persuasion was saying in private during covid. That most of the restrictions were ridiculous. I presume that’s what has annoyed you.


His Covid views were populist buffoonery. When you’re that wrong on an issue of that importance, you deserve every bit of abuse you get.

Didn’t he push the “suicide rates had skyrocketed during Covid” narrative too?

I couldn’t disagree with you more but we’re all coming at it from our own perspective I suppose.


You’re not allowed to have views that question the national broadcaster.


So if that’s true, why has RTE given blanket coverage to this story, as well as devoting the whole of Liveline to it?

I would say RTE has given coverage to the story far and away above what it merits. It’s mainly a celebrity story or a story of interest to those with an interest in media. It has sod all impact on the running of the country.

But of course it’s far easier to throw out a glib, dumb soundbyte which doesn’t bear any resemblance to reality but will probably garner a few likes from the usual suspects here.

Ireland was recently ranked 2nd in the World Press Freedom Index, by the way.