That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

When did that lightweight ever go after someone?

Harsh on @BruidheanChaorthainn but fair


Irish auditors had a noble tradition built up of blissfully ignoring these kind of payments. We had a proper country once…

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The RTE family is being torn apart.

Brendan O’Connor very cagey here.

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The call will come from on high soon to stop looking introspectively

Brendan got the tap on the shoulder there :joy:

He’s come out to clarify that he’s never got a commercial additional payment like Tubs.

You could cut the atmosphere in the canteen with a knife.

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Tomorrows headline the payment amounts he received

This is an unpopular opinion here but he’s dead right^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

I was thinking “it wasn’t in cash, I was given shares/property/a herd of cattle.

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A spanking new Renault. Imagine a slush fund payment in a shitty french car.

And now onto the Russian coup. How very convenient.

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He stumbled through saying something like “I’m conscious of not moving off this topic until we talk it all true…” Tbf, it can’t be easy.

I would love to get the opinions of the lower level rte staffers, who do the genuine hard work for the talent to spoat shit on the air, who struggle tp get pay rises and are left go to cut costs. They are the real victims on a personal level. The rte talent have defrauded the tax payer but i do have sympathy for those who lost jobs amd income due to this


RTE clearly paid yer man Prigozhin to deflect from the story about themselves.

They know nothing sure. They’re as in the dark as the tax payer. For now.