That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Like where would he even go if he refused to take a wage cut?

He could start a podcast for the lads that hate joe rogan


They can hardly ignore it. It’s a massive story

I think he means they’ve covered it up for years , very professionally


BOCs show was hilarious today, he was afraid to move on from the story for fear that he would be accused of burying it :joy:

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To be fair he spend a detailed 12 minutes or so covering it yesterday

He’s doing the state some service , they know that

There was a mildy amusing segment on the show on Saturday. He was interviewing a high priestess from the pagan side of the house, a Wexford lady… more than once during the interview she showed an edge towards organised religion, decent interview all the same but towards the end they ran out of time and had to break for The Angelus. She made some seemingly seething comment to BOC before he pulled the plug on her :sweat_smile:


Dee is gone

Need to clear out all the Carkies from that rotten organisation with the exception of Valerie Wheeler who’s been assimilated into Limerick


I didn’t know Valerie was from cork

No scandal in Limerick alright tbf. Apart from Niall Collins, ml Noonan, Willie perjuring himself, a few mill robbed off the council last year, the hopsital (as ye’d say yerselves) being up in a hape etc etc etc

Is it the case now she won’t have to appear in front of the PAC?

It appears so but that statement gives two fingers to board members past & present so this isn’t going away anytime soon.

Tubs is an innocent man though and the media may take their gaze off him.

Although I hope Duffy & Miriam info comes out soon so we can watch the cunts squirm


You wouldn’t have an arse in your trousers if it wasn’t for Michael Noonan

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I note that the same partner from Deloitte was on both the RTE and FAI audit.

Richard Howard.

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NAMA was a huge success.

Charleville unfortunately

I never said high up or low down about that. Was he or was he not involved in a massive political scandal…

Yeh. I think Fulvio mentioned it once or twice.