That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

And @artfoley

This rte sham wouldn’t be in the same stratosphere

You’d swear Tubs had them over a barrell. Where the fuck else was he going to go for the ego stroking he got on the LLS


I haven’t seen Ciarán as animated since he was reporting a some poor farmer in Lusmagh and his farm destroyed by flooding

She pulled the health and wellbeing card, how typical.

I called it the minute he was packing in the late late show.

Something wasn’t right about that.

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“All of this has had a very serious and ongoing impact on my health and wellbeing”

$$$ lube up the taxpayers and ring fence €2 million of licence fee cash

The problem with the statement is that she talks about this as a cost saving measure for RTE. But it wasn’t a cost saving measure; a) because Renault got a credit note for picking up the tab for 2020 and b) because RTE picked up the tab for 2021 and 2022 through the famous barter account.

Her statement reminded me off when Gordon Elliott released a statement claiming he was just resting on the dead horse


It was money meant for RTE that they instead paid directly to Tubby so that the licence payer wouldn’t know. If it wasn’t fraud it’s close enough

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Looks a bit fraudulent to me. Question is what was contracted for this arrangement? Did Tubs sign an agreement? Who signed it off in RTE? Did they have the authority to approve it? etc.

If any more examples of this come to light there will be war.

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This “credit note” bidness sounds well dodge.


The Barter account system sounds like it’s rife for abuse.

Murky stuff

At least Gordon was telling the truth!

And finance supposedly had no sight of it! How were the accounts signed off for the past few years? Presumably someone in finance was the whistleblower when they couldn’t get access.

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Dee only taking, ahem, “responsibility” for payments from 2020 onwards.

Tubridy is some hypocritical cunt all the same, as @TreatyStones eloquently pointed out yesterday. Assumed a preachy “do the right thing, we’re all in it together” position a while back, albeit in a covid context. And often spoke in another context about how he stopped using Twitter as there was a growing lack of decency & kindness in society. Is there any togetherness, decency or kindness in negotiating grubby side deals to line your own pockets while many colleagues are being made redundant, budgets are being cut, regional studios being closed & several public service programmes cancelled & associated jobs lost? I don’t know if they can pin anything on him legally, or even in a workplace gross misconduct type scenario so they could be left paying him his exorbitant salary on an ongoing basis. Surely no sensible person or advertiser would want to be associated with him now though & I think it’s fair game to verbally abuse him on the street. As an aside, the RTE salaries 10-15 years ago around the time of the financial crash were absolutely obscene. Tubridy was actually claiming credit for accepting previous reductions from his 2013 salary level which was €723k. I recall Pat Kenny comparing himself to Manchester United back then & saying you had to pay the top talent the top salaries.

As Scooby Doo would say Ruh Roh, if Mark Tighe is sniffing around this then a lot of bodies in RTE will be uncomfortable…

This story has miles more to run and run yet.

Pretty much silence from other members of the Top 10 ‘talent’ so far. Tubridy should do the honourable thing and follow his mate Donie to CNN to act as his gofer.

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Let’s hope that Cunt Donnie is some way drawn into the scandal

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