That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

fairly sure she cant.

Tubridy has been blackguarded here

It doesn’t make it ok, but I’m fairly sure this is standard practice in the Agency world. They’d likely have a deal in place that gives certain discounts / kick backs if they hit ad spend thresholds. They’ll rarely pass the discounts onto the actual companies and use it as part of their margin.

Just buy the aul GAAGO Big Dog, its available for a song there now.

I asked a contact far more up to speed with this sort of stuff. It’s a very complicated process to compel someone to appear in front of a committee.

Joe now surmising that because Tubs didn’t do maths in College he may not have known about the extra money.


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This is outrageous.

Pro Tubridy callers getting the kid gloves treatment, callers critical of Tubridy interrupted, cut off, shouted down etc.

If the payments didn’t go through I guarantee he’d have figured out the maths quickly.


:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

The lockdown merchants out in force to support Tubs.

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Joe is shitting it here.

Joe trying to pit callers one on one now

Didn’t he give the UL students in college court a bit of a doing on air back around March of 2021? It was in relation to a house party during RAG week. This was during a time when a fair proportion of workers were still on PUP. Meanwhile Tubs was pilfering extra payments on the sly.

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Have ye never watched Mad Men lads?

It’s unreal. Gives real insight to this kind of thing.

We’re at nothing really.

Those kickbacks are banned in America now

Don Draper was an honest man

Ryan has given his supporters the two fingers dry up the hole, and they’re still coming out to bat for him :smile:


Joe hit by a haymaker there.

‘Would you notice if you were short €75k in your wages?’

‘Ah, ehm, yeah, of course I would.’