That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

I believe cast of Suits were in NK’s offices all last Thursday and Friday.


I would agree with you that he has done nothing wrong here legally but more so for the underhanded way it was handled. Pretending he was taking a paycut like everyone else in RTE and yet he had a little side deal. Also I think there is a lot of payback for the pontificating and lecturing done during covid

Yatesy could slide in there for a nice occasional gig if someone has slipped up.

“I feel you - our listeners and viewers - have been badly let down”

What a load of me hole.


Leo seems in fine fettle there.

Tubridy before the PAC would be Box Office

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They’ve had to cancel the RTE staff barbeque, it’s getting serious now.

I think the big names are in the clear going by the rate at which the statements are coming out. There might be a little more fun to be had out of the mid table earners but the real fun will be when the suits are in Leinster House and asked to name who knew what and when did they sign off on it. Major chance to restructure rte here.

Has Ray Darcy said anything?

He has done nothing wrong legally. IF this wasn’t his idea in the first place. Or his agents. If they conspired with RTE management to redirect funds that would otherwise have gone to RTE then it is illegal.

Can’t wait till we get into the details of the slush fund and what the fuck was going on inside it

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€345,000 in under the counter payments while letting on he had taken huge pay cuts.

You’d nearly admire the gall of him all the same.

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I tried to say this last week but the TFK lynch mob went for me as if id gotten the money myself

In fairness, you’re definitely the wrong fella to front that campaign.

Yeah I’d agree. The lynch mob prefer more rural types

Now that the centrist dad’s like @Julio_Geordio have come around and are playing devil’s advocate it’s only a matter of time before there is a petition floating around to reinstate tubs…

I can’t help but think Dee Forbes strong GAA connection has turned the tide here

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What a cunt of an 11 year old. Tubs should have told him to get fucked.


Looks like there were a lot of people willingly tuning into Joe Dufffaaayyy today. RTÉ playing 3D chess here.


What a league table of cunts!

Is Paddy on to something here