That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

If true, thats a disgrace and bigger scandal than this Tubridy thing.

What next, free coke for Gerry Ryan if he could get through a whole show without calling God a Bollocks?

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No wonder they’re fuming. Those on big wages must be detested if basic perks like maternity pay are not provided for.

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And you have lads giving out about unions. Its when you see this type of carryon, you realise how important they are.



No one would begrudge Marty an extra few quid.

Oh I’d say she’s fair sick with whats gone on the past week or so.

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Good question, do those countries have state TV, are salaries known to the public?

Only reason why she is sick is because what’s been going on under her watch has been exposed. A coward taking a cowards way out.


That’s the interview that will bring down the huge wages for Byrne, Darcy and Duffy. Their number is up now.

The normal staff in RTE need to down tools.


They should bring the place to its knees and then hopefully it spreads to take down the like of Watt and few other wasters.

Is she not obliged to appear before it?

Yep and?

Why dont they compel her to appear before it then?

they can’t - we voted against giving them such powers

So why would she appear before when she doesn’t have to? @tazdedub

Someone i know was on one of those dodgy contractor contracts. She had three kids and got no maternity pay despite working full time for rte. They were made sign a waiver to get a new contract every time it was up for renewal. When the shit hit the fan after the eversheds report rte flipped and handed permanent contracts to them and then a host of others who were only doing occasional shifts. Appalling management all round.

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They shouldn’t have too. If you take the money you have to answerable for your actions. If you run away and hide you are nothing but a coward. But hey ho you go on with pathetic wumming.

So you would appear before a committee to answer questions when you aren’t obliged to? Really?

Yep especially if I did nothing wrong.
I guess you must be a coward then.