That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

She wasn’t obliged to do so?

Nope and her ex colleagues are fucking her under the bus and driving backwards and forwards over her. But then again that’s what happens when you go into hiding instead of defending yourself.

Mattie McGrath is up now.

If so then her lawyers will take the opportunity to reply. I very much doubt they are encouraging her to go in front of a court where she isn’t obliged to?

Auld Mattie calling the RTE board a gang. :slight_smile:

Mattie is tremendous fun, a @tazdedub’esque character.

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better than being a coward like you.

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I reckon you’d be the sort of fella who would skip and dance tra la la’ing his way to a firing squad.

I’d reckon you are the weirdo that lives in his mam’s basement and thinks he is living the dream.

@tazdedub reminds me a lot of this fella

Mattie clearing house here.

2 can play that game. You remind me of this fella.


Mattie smoking something different to the rest in the room I thnk

Mattie: Who ye loyal to?

RTE suit: Who we lying to?

Mattie: Loyal, loyal, loyal!

RTE suits not used to Mattie’s country ways.


Mattie rambles incoherently for 5 minutes then mentions something about criminality. Niamh Smyth, Oireachtais chair, interrupts to say there’s no allegation of criminality. Mattie says nobody else was interrupted & he shouldn’t be either. He says he just wants his question answered. Niamh Smyth says who does he want to answer the question. Mattie says whoever. Niamh Smyth asks Adrian Lynch, acting DG, to answer. Adrian Lynch replies “what was the question?”. Cue much guffawing. Mattie says “my question is who are you lying to?” Then he rambles some more & says “Putin wouldn’t have got away with some of this stuff”. More to & fro & it’s now been clarified that he was asking who are they “loyal” to?! Mattie says he’s not being anti-British but why is the barter company English. The Commercial Director says there are no barter companies in Ireland. Mattie says gone are they days when barter meant spitting on your hand & agreeing a deal, now you have to go to England. Back to the Ashes now for me.


Mattie is not speaking with the D4 accent so these RTE lads wouldn’t understand it.

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David McSavage is absolutely delighted with this turn of events judging by his recent videos online. No love lost between those two cousins. McSavage seemed to have a real gripe that Ryan never invited him onto the LLS during his 14 year stint.

You’d wonder what Ryan’s brother who works in Vincent’s thinks of all this. A consultant who saves peoples lives but earns less than a waffler who pontificates on the radio. Although listening to some of the callers on Liveline last Friday it became apparent that Ryan and his colleagues in RTÉ actually SAVED lives too during Covid.

McSavage is a wanker.


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