That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Dee Forbes will be raging she swerved this. She’d have run rings around this lot.

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@backinatracksuit’s position makes a lot more sense than yours?

You’ve spent years ranting about how tax is “theft” and now you’re telling people they should pay more tax than they’re due?

What about that position makes sense?

There’s nothing at all inconsistent about not paying any more tax than they’re you’re due while also believing that overall tax rates are too low and particularly certain types of taxes are too low. But why the fuck would anybody voluntarily pay more tax than they’re due? Why would you voluntarily be played for a fool? To satisfy the hypocritical ramblings of right-wing INTERNET posters?

Definitely appealing to the anon Twitter loudmouths who claim anyone could be a radio and tv presenter.

they could if they were a member of the RTE or andrews family


Fixed that for ya

He said he’d happily avoid paying any tax via under the counter payments only being discouraged by being caught. That’s not consistent at all with positions he holds in general. It’s actually wildly hypocritical.

I didn’t tell him or anyone that. Wrong, yet again. Rest of your post is nonsense based on you being wrong here, usual ranting.

Not sure, I’ve ever said that taxation is theft, I’d guess your making stuff up again based on your entrenchments and the fact you’ve heard that phrase by your ideological ‘enemies’ but you do you.

Yes, I believe the personal marginal income tax rate is too high in Ireland and I resent paying it. Not getting into the specifics of why and what I think it’s wasted on in this thread but that’s not an inconsistent position at all.

As an aside what in God’s name would you know about income tax?


No need to be irrationally angry because you’ve been caught out rotten spouting nonsense - you should be thanking me.

You were wrong, again, but that’s ok.

They aren’t enjoying the questions from Brendan Griffin.


I wasn’t wrong, I was right. Nobody has shown Tubridy broke any laws. As long as he hasn’t done that, there’s zero wrong with what he’s done in a moral sense and the same would apply to anybody else who did the same.

You had to go for the personal attacks, which shows up the weakness of your position.

Actually, I never said I’d avoid paying any tax, much as I’d love to I suppose.
I said if my employer wanted to pay me a bit extra under the counter then I’d be fine with that in theory.

You got all personal then and roped in the usual suspects :grinning:

So, I’d like to pay less tax, exactly the same as you, and everyone.
But even then, I assume Tubridy has paid all his taxes

This place is incredibly straight, especially the hard chaws, unbelievable :man_shrugging:


Laws and morals are not the same. You can do many immoral things without breaking the law and I’d say you can break many laws without doing anything immoral.


Why would your employer, the state want to pay you under the counter?

[quote=“backinatracksuit, post:4422, topic:5345”]
Jeez I’d do anything to avoid paying taxes etc, under the counter payments would be very welcome etc etc

I never said Tubs broke any laws. I was referring to biat avoiding taxes at any cost. Listen your whole post was wrong. Just move on.

As regards tax the law is all that counts. Morals don’t even come into it.

Yeah, I clarified all that, and you read it but you want to make it personal, whatever.
I’m not a high flyer like yourself, I’d be happy to pay less tax or supplement my income in some way.

But I am aware that I need to pay tax.

This is a hypothetical scenario @balbec, I thought that was obvious, I’m a good boy really

He can’t really argue after calling his kids Belle and Sebastian


conceived after a night of listening to, and acting out, the boy with the arab strap?