That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Witness to TDs grandstanding. The performative outrage over every little thing is hilarious.

The RTÉ Chair comes across as very meek.

And still nobody can point out what exactly Tubridy has done wrong.

The issues here lie with the RTE board and management, lack of government oversight, the law, and the seemingly Jorge Mendes like influence of this Noel Kelly chap.

The issues are about how RTE have been allowed run a ship where ordinary staff get treated like shit while the top names get big bucks. But that’s on the DG and the board and the Government.

At the moment it looks like he has done very little wrong. However if the former DG has evidence that Tubridy or by proxy his agent gave the go ahead for invoices to be issued for ‘consultants Services’s then he is heading into more choppy waters. I think the PAC tomorrow won’t provide as many gotchas as today but will be more forensic and may yield more information.
Edit to add: the chair of RTE isn’t short a few bob Ardmore and Troy studios sold in deal worth close to $100m – The Irish Times

I’m not really supporting him, I’m more surprised at the anger, and especially at the whiter than white financial scruples of the TFK.

But I’ve always liked Ryan because of some things I’ve heard about him which I know to be true, a lot more telling of his character than a bit of shady under the table money which he worked for anyway.
So it’s hardly a surprise I’m not in the frothing at the mouth gang :man_shrugging:

As a presenter I would know very little about him, I never watch the late late and I can’t listen to radio in work

Not being edgy in an attempt to be edgy.
Aka obnoxious

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Everybody knows their rights , nobody knows their responsibilities. That’s the way it’s gone now

Apparently you don’t find supporting a wife beater obnoxious and you definitely don’t find supporting fascist genocide obnoxious.

A bit? :grinning: The lads think old Tubbers pocketed a score.

The same people who have made personas out of being perpetually angry at everything - especially Ryan Tubridy - are the same people who most hang on the bullshit of “Independent TDs” who all cream off hundreds of thousands in expenses.

You couldn’t make it up.

Actually it’s a case of lads calling Tubridy out as a cunt all along being proven right, one for the vindication thread really.


As lads here like to say, “they were laughing when I said the world was controlled by giant Jewish lizards, but they aren’t laughing now that I’ve been proved right”.

@artfoley just wondering did you miss this…interested in seeing is he in more or less legal trouble than he was last week?

Tubs got his agent to do what he pays him for - negotiate the best possible deal available.


How much has Mattie McGrath claimed in expenses since entering politics?

I know a fella who said he and his wife would give his children respectable names. They were as good as their word, they named them Mel and Kim.


That’s one that stinks to high heaven. Kilkenny and McGuinness made out like bandits there.

RTÉ are just on top of their game


Still to be determined. I know you accountancy/banker types arent generally concerned with revenue or fraud offences.


I’m very concerned about it that’s why I was checking in with you Matlock you were convinced there was something he could be charged with the other day. Id like to see the judiciary just get on with it now