That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Where he’s from (Newcastle) really is in the arsehole of nowhere. There’s some lovely hiking in the Knockmealdowns nearby, so it has something going for it I suppose

“Who are you lile to”


I’m pretty sure that Tubs went over to the BBC during the summer when Norton was there and he’d fill in for him with Norton was on his holidays. Or am I remembering that right?

The Anne Murphy interview was massive back in the day.

He must have some langer on him

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Yep. And Gaybo was an absolute misogynist thundercunt on it. Its on you tube.
Also worth watching his interview with Gerry Adams where gaybo refuses to sit near him while interviewing him. Still Gaybo was decent and had a much better rapport with prople in general then the pencil neck Slìbhìn.


I fully agree. I remember the parents shouting and roaring at the TV the way Gaybo was treating Anne Murphy. It was great TV all the same.

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I remember listening to Ryan on the beeb while holidaying in Cornwall some years ago

I remembered it right so. Balbec mentioned it too, I didn’t see his comment. Sure that was probably Kelly getting him to show RTÉ that he could move and was worth another, I don’t know, €75k say…

It’s a funny situation really, you take holidays from your employer and then effectively go and work for a rival while you’re off.

I’d say it was 10 years ago which was when he was on much bigger money from RTÉ

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Interesting that Tubridy was saying the below in early March, yet 13 days later, with supposedly no knowledge of the GT report, he announced he was stepping down.

He explained: 'Eventually, at some stage in my life and times, there will be a life that is dominated by nerdy projects, books, documentaries and history.

‘That is not today or tomorrow, it will happen sometime.’


“Not today or tomorrow, but in the next week or so”


He had terrific enunciation in all fairness, a dab hand at reading out letters from listeners

Wow. It’s just like the time you timelined Bressi’s everchanging start dates of anxiety/panic/cash/wellness issues.


Gaybo was your atypical cap doffer. If it was a Bishop he’d get on his knees to kiss both rings. If it was a pauper he’d put on his condescending Dublineze accent in a laughable attempt at being a man of de people.

For me Jeff, him giving it the ‘poor me’ schtick after getting fleeced twice was the highlight of his career. Dozy cunt.


Kielty on 250k per season. No wonder Claire byrne didn’t go for it

Alright for a three hours work a week and summers off.

A little over 8k an episode.