That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Are they related?

Yer wan Brenda Power is a similar dose

Somebody had to top the list, I don’t know the lady from Adam but she’s obviously a safe pair of hands in that role
Is she related? I didn’t think he had family in the business, if she’s related I’ll row back

To be honest, i dont have an issue with her, more with your denigration of giles. I think their overuse of FG types is much worse in terms of lack of balance.

She’s an establishment mouthpiece like the rest of them.


Again, I do sometimes listen to the show but if rarely know any of the contributors to the paper review.
If she’s not related then that whole thing is a nonsense, somebody has to be on top of every league table, he’s not going to attract Pulitzer winners too often

She’s the MFNPOAT :goat:

She was on Claire Byrne after the last election and basically demanded that FG and FF go into government together to keep SF out.

She’s no friend of Mary Lou either.

I used to dislike Baz Ashwamy. But he’s not a bad lad. I’m warming to him.


Ever since he did that SOS build programme I’ve done a 180 on him. Good heart in that fella.

I think he’s as natural of a presenter as RTE have.

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Today with Daithi and Maura is a grand show with two very likeable hosts.

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What description of a cunt watches Nationwide?

Signing in. Lovely segment on a swimming club in south dublin

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What’s yours?

He’s a grand lad. Genuine.

There was a show from Norway he presented during the week. At the end his summary was.“No, not for me”. Even this for RTÉ felt revolutionry.

Well now, looks like some people may have given misleading testimony to the committee


That appears to be at odds with his testimony