That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

If he’s getting a cent he’s overpaid

Cork loves you mate.

It’s been well toted by people who have nothing else to offer to a discussion, there’s never been anything to support that assertion of course,
Accusing people of supporting paedophiles with nothing to back that up is despicable behaviour, absolutely disgusting

I have no feelings at all towards it

you lowered the blade first pal by calling me a misogynist for theres as much evidence as there is to suggest that you support sex offenders.

you want to swing for me, go ahead but dont think i wont swing back pal

Good one.
That’s a very specific accusation you’ve made there, Tim Allen is a convicted sex offender, I’m aware of the crime, you said I supported him.
That’s a shitty thing to say,
If you know it’s bullshit it’s shocking,
If you’re saying it because others have said it and you believe it to be true that’s awful

dont get all precious, calling someone a misogynist is just as shitty. you decided to lower the blade so suck it up or put me on iggy.

the choice is yours

Would you fuck off out of it you’re a well established misogynist for years now.

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Stop trying to make yourself relevant.

Nasty post. The bullies are circling here

Flicking through channels

RTE1 at the moment are showing a Donal Skehan cooking show about BBQ food

It’s the middle of November

Backhurst do better


Your day is coming Duffy

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Today with Daithi and Maura is a cracking little show with two extremely likeable hosts with a nice and relaxed vibe.

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I met Daithí a couple of times 20 years ago. He was great friends of my housemate/landlord (a running buddy of @Rintintin). He seemed an absolute alright sort. A complete rogue

I also think sometimes when stuff is made down at RTÉ Cork, things are a little bit more relaxed. Not looking over their shoulders as much as it they would be up at HQ


Do you work for the same company as @Julio_Geordio

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Agreed. Daithi O’Sé is another one like Des Cahill who used to irritate me but I have steadily warmed to him. He has that folksy charm.

Poor Maura’s sister died there in the last week or two.

I saw that.

She’s the best female presenter - well ahead of Sinead Kennedy or even Laura Woods who has been involved in recent times.

Ah I like Sinead too. Incredibly stylish woman. Winning Streak is much missed from Saturday nights.

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Maura is the thinking mans crumpet.
Daithi has improved sinced he joined up with NOGRA