That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

How would that work?

Every time you refresh a page it’s €0.000002

The blueshirts option not feasible

@maurice_brown license fee or tax?

Tbh its a nothing story

If you use broadband you pay. Everyone does now and everyone watches tv online. It’s not difficult to imagine.

Ok mate

Ok mate. Still the Green tax party

Im formally asking @artfoley to admit he got it wrong and jumped to an incorrect conclusion

Yes, im glad we are in favour of progressive taxes


Lads would be batshit crazy to give the goofy greens 120€ a year when they could give the fiscally responsible FG 180 a year.


Why not scrap it. I actually enjoy not answering my door

The Greens want to scrap it

Which party is the minister for culture?

How will they fund rte?

The electric Gates are the job,keeps them off the property altogether


Beware of vegetables posing as politicians

Fuck Off Gates

We need a version of the second amendment in ireland

Fellas would be racking up serious bills just on the Kyle Hayes thread alone.


General tax