That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Breaking with a red lightning flash me swiss though

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After @Locke of course


Don’t forget Pat Spillane.

We can probably scratch that :point_up_2:t2:


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We’ll miss him after july 21st

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All the best Dobbo. A terrific broadcaster.

Isn’t there a story out there of Dobbo coming off air just as a huge news story was to break and he returned to help out the new person coming on by crawling under the camera view and in behind the desk to help the person out.

It was a female - maybe Miriam during election coverage.


Weird bastard


Ridiculous that Dobson quitting is headline news on RTE. Not even a news story. He wished his reporting was ‘fair, relevant and accurate’. This story is not relevant to today’s life, Brian.

A Magnificat news anchor, he had a real presence, they don’t make them like him anymore, the had that gravitas


Only Don Cockburn, Eileen Dunne and the great Vere Wynn Jones came close to Dobbo, farewell Dobbo :+1:

The six one dream tean will always be himself and Sharon. I saw him once in UL, i believe he was a lecturer there dunno if he still is but anyway inwas surprised at how short he was. Always thought he looked like a tall fella on the tv for aome reason

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By God

I’d have guessed Dobbo was about 6’3

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He has a tall man’s face.


Colm Murray on sport.

“But first to Cheltenham”

We used to be some country back in the day.


Nope id say 5’6 at most

“He was tall,had a beard.About 6 foot 3.
That’s an awfully long beard”


Aren’t you only a young buck?

Christ I assumed he was 6’ 3”

The whole country had him on a pedestal.


He was involved with the journalism course