That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

The only good McNultys are @Ambrose_McNulty and @Jimmy_Mc_Nulty


@Fagan_ODowd will get a few chortles out of this one

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Resigned but gets a payout

Told to resign probably

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Didn’t they get rid of his role?

They did actually

Seems like they mutually agreed he should leave, as Toy Show Musicial was such a disaster

“It’s ok RORS we will sort you out with a few quid”

In his statement, Mr Bakhurst said he and Mr Coveney agreed “it was best that he stand down from his role”.

“This enabled the beginning of the restructuring of the leadership team and the suppression of his role,” he said.

“Responsibility for strategy has passed to Adrian Lynch, with no additional compensation, in addition to his substantive role as director of audience, channels and marketing.

“Rory’s role became redundant, an exit payment was offered by RTÉ and accepted by Rory, and with no backfill being made RTÉ will recoup that payment by July of this year,” he said.

Mr Coveney, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday, has not commented publicly on the terms of his exit package.

“Public “ service broadcasting.


Dancing with the RTE Canteen.

“GIVE IT UP FOR…”. What ever happened to “a round of applause for…”


A round of applause for Lent

very good, very good, quick off the mark !

This is all getting a bit much, the lead item on the RTE One O’Clock News is RTE themselves. :face_with_peeking_eye:

That’s often been the case for nearly a year now,
The story has garnered far more attention than it deserves but they’re afraid of their lives to be accused of sweep sweeping it

It’s the most watchable thing they’ve produced in years


The Toymans impassioned “doesn’t effect my soul “ speech was box office

I think Minister Martin is going to have to sack the RTE chair, maybe Bathurst too. She’s just been on Prime Time.

Chair of RTE getting the sack in the morning. Catherine Martin morecor less just said on Primetime.

she is gone for sure

I don’t think Bathurst will see red. There could well be a clearout at board level alright

its some shit show

I couldn’t understand how she was still in a job. She must have been one of those irish society illuminati.