That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Seems like A very nice lady to me

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I haven’t been paying attention, what are the new revelations

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Siun Ni Raghallaigh told the Minister the board didn’t know about the exit packages. Now it emerges Ni Raghallaigh sat on the renumeration committtee that approved the exit package for Collins and also brought it to the board for approval.


That’s class. The fucking neck on these people.

Has to be sacked after that


The Minister was told twice by Brenda Fricker that the board of RTE had no knowledge of the exit package given to the last two executives to leave the organisation. She was told this on Monday of this week and again only yesterday.

Today it transpired that the Board actually had knowledge of the payout given to Richard ‘I don’t know my salary’ Collins.

Brenda being hauled in tomorrow morning where she’ll be given a choice of jump or be sacked.

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I was thinking it was fairly outrageous the board hadn’t approved it

You’d wonder how thick these people are.

Considering the scrutiny, you’d think they’d be afraid to scratch without the consent or knowledge of the government and Oireachtas.

Casually paying hundreds of thousands out and then lying about it.

Bakhurst seems to be the golden boy but he signed off on some of these confidentiality agreements too, it appears. He actually had the strong hand - ‘you’ve run this organisation into the ground, just fuck off and don’t have the neck to look for a penny’ but he was looking after his fellow insiders and made sure they got a few bob.


The cull is looking more like. Here someone has to take the bullet but here’s a ball of money for your trouble

Public sector, innit.

People just don’t get sacked for incompetence. You actually get rewarded.

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He should have Jimmy conwayed the whole fucking lot of them

Siun Ni Raghallaigh came to the. RTE board from Tyrone Productions, Moya Doherty’s operation. Wheels within wheels

Leo should grasp the nettle here and put in a minister who’ll take a wrecking ball to the place and make it fit for purpose. Martin is as useful as a chocolate teapot.

The semi state needs an enema.

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Will she be getting an exit package?

Catherine Martin done up like a kipper here by siun

Christ that’s cringe