That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Unless you can see them from your island it’s a waste


Try watching his documentary on the Vietnam war. That’s pretty good too.

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Did anyone watch Ken Burns doc on baseball and is it worth a look?

I know a woman that ended up in court over it but the solicitor told her not to worry, just to buy the licence, present it in court and it would be thrown out, but between the jigs and reels didn’t she forget to buy the licence, only thought of it when the solicitor asked her for it outside the court. She had to go into the judge without it and got fined.

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If the solicitor was any good he’d have applied for an adjournment


She could have quickly bought it online, using her phone, either.

I’d say my life partner devoted around 10-15 hours to getting the summons withdrawn so €160 a year is nothing compared to that.

His doc about the buffalo and the old Wild West is fantastic


All his docs are excellent.PBS is a great station.They used to have a round up of the news from RTE on every Sunday evening at 6 o clock.The presenter was hilarious,she was oirish but had this really weird accent.Myself and my life partner used to be in stitches laughing at her

I had a very similar experience to this back around November 2015 when I naively opened the door to a TV license inspector in my college accommodation. Even more foolishly I gave them my real details in my panicked state. A letter subsequently arrived in the post a few weeks later claiming that I’d have a court hearing if the license fee wasn’t paid, which my college friends found hilarious as the threat of court and a potential criminal record loomed large. Thankfully at this stage I availed of advice from my parents and managed to wrangle my way out of it in a similar manner to your life partner*. If it happened now I’d tell them where to go and spout some vitriol about Ryan Tubridy and Doireann Garrihy but this was at a time before I’d even discovered TFK and I was quite innocent in my line of thinking. Having a rogue landlord with no interest in paying for any extras didn’t help the situation either.

*minus the parenting young children part.


It would be a very generous landlord that would pay for a tenant’s TV licence…


The owl trick when the inspector used to come up to the flat and by the time they got up the stairs you’d have hidden the telly in the bedroom and it wouldn’t be at all suspicious that all of the chairs in the flat were pointing in the direction of an empty corner with a socket.

Fessing up and giving them the wrong name was a much more efficient method of evading them. I was Colm Mangan for years, a lad who was in the flat but emigrated to London. If he ever comes home he’ll face a rap sheet as long as your arm.


Colin Rush* 75 Wendell Avenue.


I go by paddy losty.

Maureen if herself is asked


A man who did some damage in his day.

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“They paid a heavy price for it”
What an uucoam

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European Cup quarter final tonight, two mouth watering ties. RTÉ have the rights for Tuesday nights here. They are not showing either game opting for a women’s match instead.

It is the national team in fairness

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Probably a bigger audience draw too than the aul UCL.

Rte news now showing the city gsme I think

The footixes are seething

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