That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Also Lyric. Worth €160 euro a year on its own.


Lyric, saturday/sunday sport and John Bowman on a Sunday. That’s about it for me.

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Sesame Street would make hames of that argument . . Also the home of Ken Burns documentaries

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My life partner got approached by one of the licence inspector folks one evening around 18 months ago when getting out of the car with the kids. She was too polite to tell him to fuck off or call back, & too naive not to provide fake details. She subsequently got a letter giving her “x” time to buy a licence. I think she may have gotten another letter after that but, between one thing & another, never got around to buying one. Not refusing per se, just not on her radar. Then she got a court summons & it put the shits up her. Would she have a criminal record?! Would she have to disclose it to work?! She bought the licence then quick smart & had a load of hassle getting the summons cancelled. Lots of email correspondence & phone calls, being routed back to people she dealt with previously etc etc. Had to spin a yarn about it being a complete oversight not to buy the licence because of the demands of combining a busy professional life with parenting young children & she eventually managed to convince someone with the authority to strike it off before the court date.


Muldoons in the City must be the only ones getting caught


I know 3 that spent a night in Castlerea as guests of the State as a result of their court appearance for no TV licence. I think the sentence was a week but they were let out after 1 night. Turned out onto the street, no arrangements made for a way home. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think there should be any obligation on the State to give released prisoners a spin home.


Mrs Barnes is from mayo and got caught in a similar fashion to @Bandage’s life partner above a few years ago. I still shake my head in a paternalistic disappointed fashion anytime the subject is brought up. This makes her very cross.


The stupid fuckers :smile:

I pay it as its a better option than a court appearance which I was threatened with a couple of times by the cunts. I’d be sicker if I had to pay a thousand euros and actually have to go to the district court. Never paid it when I lived in an apartment or house in town. I barely watch RTE bar the odd bit of GAA and the champions league. I’ve no interest in their current affairs offerings. Don’t listen to Radio 1 either.

Slightly more exposed in the countryside. I need proper electric gates.

No me either. But you’re sentenced to a week and let loose after a day. It was funny is all :sweat_smile:

However I actually know another guy, whino/downandout that was picked up to do a spell in Castlerea for accumulated fines etc. Cops took him away, dropped him at the prison and did whatever they had to do. They went for lunch and on the way home here was yer man in the road thumbing a lift home.
The State provided on this occasion :slightly_smiling_face:

Can someone take charge of cross referencing posts about rte programmes against the lads on this thread who say they never watch RTE?

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Absolutely in terms of Sesame Street. I would think, unfortunately, that 90% of Americans don’t know who Ken Burns is. I’d say his docs are watched more outside America than in it!

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So you’ve no use for it apart from the stuff you watch on it. Gotcha.

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Id rather pay €20 just to see those on demand

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Only rising you pal.

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I’d say not

The Civil War , an epic nine-episode series by the award-winning documentary filmmaker Ken Burns and produced in conjunction with WETA, Washington, D.C., first aired in September of 1990 to an audience of 40 million viewers

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Great stuff :ok_hand:

Twice I tried to watch the first episode of Ken Burns’ Civil War and twice I fell asleep.

That means that 30 million do know who he is. Wow!