That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Lottie Ryan out, Kayleigh Trappe in is a great bit of business. A huge upgrade.


Is she?

That’s sensational

Wow, Lottie potentially done with RTE. She’ll have to rock up on the 6 o’clock show over on the dark side now…for a third of the money

wow, end of a nepotism

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3 weeks after hiring her?

Listening to the Comms on the soccer last night, Darragh Maloney has both parents and an uncle working there.

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Disgraceful way to treat a member of one of the first families

apparently so

She must have been fair bad to say they dumped her after three weeks. They were probably lining your wan up behind her back though.

You’d worry about their attitude to nepotism given they just hired her. Or maybe she tried squatting in the timeslot.

As long as she doesn’t sit next to Una on the other show she’ll be grand

couldve been a contract renewal that went south when she discovered she wouldnt be on euromillions anymore, or flog porridge or renaults

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She’ll be in the Kathryn Thomas role on some Sunday evening family entertainment show after the 6:01 news before we know it

She won’t,she has absolutely nothing going for her only her name.An extra in Fair City is about her level.


She has a face like a bag of hammers - ich don’t think so

Why the long face Lottie?

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You’re a generous soul

Not to be sniffed at for a young ryan

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