That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Who in the good fuck listens to 2fm?

There’s a sizeable crew here listening to Joe Duffy every day - you just never know :man_shrugging:t2:

Good jaysus

What age did you switch over from 2fm to Rte radio 1 @Fagan_ODowd

I’d sincerely doubt he ever listened to 2FM. It’s only in existence since 1979 and I’d doubt it tickled his fancy at that time.

I remember being absolutely seething eating my dinner on a Saturday after whoever the dj was and that girl who djs now gave away the ending of the first season of lost. It was that time when shows were on in America before Ireland and Rte was months behind.

Dave Fanning was the only place to hear anything alternative to chart music back in the day

2FM used to be a good station, Gerry Ryan, Larry Gogan golden hour, Tony Fenton etc


Probably Dave Fanning. The prick.

Thats a top level line up in fairness

Ray D’Arcy did something similar when he was on Today FM, they thought it would be hilarious to do spoilers for loads of TV shows. Absolute tool.


I don’t think so.

I get the sense this could be the beginning of the end.

They sold land in 16 or 17’ and managed to keep the party going for another few years. That was over 100 million iirc. What happened to that and what was the plan for it? beyond giving every hack and executive multiples of six figures per year.

It’s like the old one of one generation to build to, another to maintain and the third to blow through it all and run it into the ground.

The place was run for the benefit of a privileged clique for too long and now they can’t get out from under it. Public service broadcasting is important and it’s a bad day.

Re talent, where is the next Tommie Gorman or O’Muircheartaigh coming from?

Big clear out in 2FM but it’s too late and now it looks like there won’t be a 2FM

It costs money to retain top talent for fuck sake.

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Public service broadcasting in Ireland means toeing party line. RTE do as they are told.

It seems the sidelines for the 2FM presenters are more lucrative, that’s why hiring that TikTok one to replace Lottie doesn’t make much sense.

We badly need Rte as a country

I used to listen to Dave Fanning. He had a good show after midnight when RTE 2 was launched first. There was also a decent album show around that time. Most of the time I listened to BBC 1 for music. Always listened to RTE 1 for news.


Dave Fanning was the only show in town for alternative to chart music in the 90s. I think he was on from 7 to 9? Tom Dunne came in with pet sounds then on today fm around 99/00 I’d say and I preferred that one. That was on a bit later I think. Used a to be a row about the radio every night in the factory I worked in back then with the cool lads who’d gone to college but dropped out wanting Dunne and the meat and 2 veg lads wanting some more bog standard chart stuff on 2fm.


Moloney After Midnight was the only thing worth listening to on late night Irish radio for a while. That diddyboy Dave Fanning was so far up his own hole with his ‘interviews’… he’d ask someone like Noel Gallagher a question and offer him three different versions of an answer, each longer than the question, all in an effort to sound like he knew what he was talking about. Do me a favour.


We were a proper country then