That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

3 presenters from 6.30am to 2pm. You can’t have a breakfast show with 1 presenter on it anymore. Lads asleep on the floor cos there’s work in the bed

I’d say The Kenny report was a tough listen.


Mark Cagney used to be on the evenings at some stage as well. After the Jazz got canned maybe.

Mark Cagney drove the Night Train. Used be on after Fanning moved to the 8pm slot. There might have been someone else in between 10 and midnight.

The writing was on the wall when Barry Lang left the Hotline to become a pilot.

I think Gerry Ryan started with a late night show - Lights Out.

Don’t get me started on them cunts doing a nixer on Lyric. George Hamilton, that cueball that used to read the news, Marty Whelan…

A ready made stream of classically trained musicians and tutors up and down the country, lives dedicated it, but no, give it to Marty.

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Ah leave Marty alone. He’s an alright sort and his morning show is an institution.


Yeah, Gerry used to be on 10pm- midnight in the mid 80’s

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Back the fuck up here. Marty is a legend. Great listening for young and old.


Pat Kenny used have a show called The Outside Track (I think) on the old Radio One or possibly on VHF. All album tracks and it was very very good. He knew his music stuff back then.

Anybody remember that?

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Marty is a dick.

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Saturday or Sunday evenings?

Saturday about 7pm I’d say.
He used bring in his own albums that he’d bought abroad and everything.

You’re a dick.

You’ll be telling me Simon Delaney is a legend next. Simon is a ‘presenter’ on Lyric these days.

Throw a few hours to a real musician, someone who actually knows what they’re talking about, struggling to make ends meet, keep them involved. But, no, Marty Whelan/Martin Morrissey types are ‘legends’.

Go shit in your hat.

Marty is a grand harmless listen in the morning in the car. You can always wake up early on Sunday morning and listen to Vlad Smishkewych.

I won’t be promoting Delaney in any way. He’s shit. But since 2011 I’ve been driving suas sìos na tìre sa Bherlingo ag èisteacht leis an raidio. All hours, all stations. There’s only so long you can listen to various news outlets or banter presenters. Marty is a beautiful mix of serious and fun and whatever else you want. Plays good music, maybe too much opera for me, and can do 3 hours by himself. He’s a brilliant interviewer, despitebhis soft spot for Nevin Maguire. He’s a lad who learnt his craft and is good at it.


Marty for president.

That maybe true (I actually like Whelan) but it’s the fact rte throw these gigs to the lads rather than others who would be brilliant at it (from a knowledgeable pov) and who could stay in the music game and further their career through opportunity. Its infuriating.

Lyric is (was/should still be) ostensibly a classical music station. Giving hours to the likes of Whelan, Hamilton, Delaney et al dilutes that. Put them on Rte gold or some other place, preferably a hook in a meat factory in Offaly.

I find the radio unbearable these days.Between the banteroligists and DJs playing the same 6 songs non stop it’s impossible to listen to.Tunein/podcasts is the only way to go.